ZOSTEROPS UROPYGIALIS Ke-Island White-eye. » Salvad. Zosterops uropygialis, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genoy. cit. xvi. p. 82 (1880).—Id. Orn. Papuasi Brit. Mus. ix. p. 190 (1884), vi. p. 78 (1874).—Id, op. cit. xiv. p. 655 (1879) —Td. op. a e delle Molucche, ii. p. 373 (18 81).—Sharpe, Cat. Birds in a Dr. Beccari discovered this species of Zosterop sin Little Ké Island in 1873, and the Museum at Genoa. We have seen several examples in the Leiden Museum to the British Museum by our friend Dr. Jentink, type is in the Civic , and one of these was presented the Director of the Rijks Museum at Leiden. This White-eye belongs to the section of the genus with the under parts entirely yellow, and has been separated by Count Salvadori under a sub-section characterized by the brownish colour of the quills and tail. personally examining specimens of the species, we are somewhat inclined to doubt the importance of this colour of the wings and tail-feathers, as to all appearances the fresh-moulted feathers of the White-eyes are always much darker than those which have been well worn. In the specimen originally obtained by Beceari the white eye-ring, which is the chief character of a Zosterops, was wanting; and as it is not present in the specimens at Leiden, its characteristic of the species. Since absence is doubtless The other characters which distinguish it are the dusky head and ye rump, the latter contrasting with the yellowish-green back. The following is a translation of Salvadori’s original description :— “ Above yellowish green, the head tinged with dusky ; the rump yellowish ; entire under surface of body yellow, the under tail-coverts and throat brighter ; quills and tail-feathers dusky, margined with the same llow colour as the back, the former margined internally with yellowish white; under wing-coverts mixed yellow and ashy; bill dusky ; feet lead-colour. Total length 4:4 inches, wing 2°5, tail 1°8, bill 0°5, tarsus 0°65.” The Plate represents an adult bird in two positions, and is drawn from a specimen presented to the British Museum by the Leiden Museum. ee 5 ay 7 rT. “a S Ir ees iY i BS 86 be “= (om WJ ae ek ro * “oF Wi rs wise) oe x a As ." ' AB ae a ee ae 4 Sh ad Nas Ni a A e Pe s SENN / wo DI ee pA y aN AN RJ ra f g x aw eal Zz oy. pr Me abn Tl Pom a ~z