CINNYRIS MYSORENS Mysore-Island Black Sunbird. Chalcostetha aspasia, vay. mysorensis, Meyer, Sitz. k. Akad. Wissensch. in Wi len, Ixx. p. 124 (1874).—Sclater, Ibis, 1874, p. 419. Hermotimia mysorensis, Salvadori, Atti R. Accad. Torino, x. pp. 208, 224 (1874), xii. p. 301 (1877). Cinnyris mysorensis, Shelley, Monograph of the Cinnyridz, part v. (1877): Ir is now seven years ago since we first began to get some insight into the mysteries of the large islands which are situated in the Bay of Geelvink in North-western New Guinea. During Mr. Wallace’s travels in that part of the world he had been unable to penetrate to these islands, the natives of which had a bad reputation for hospitality ; and it fell to the lot of Baron von Rosenberg to send home the first birds to the Leiden Museum. Many fine birds from Jobi, Mafoor, and Miosnoum were sent by him; and these researches were still further pursued by Dr. Meyer, who collected largely in these islands and increased our knowledge of their ornithology greatly. Every thing seems to point to the fact that, whereas Jobi is an island which contains a considerable number of peculiar species, it is impregnated with a large number of New-Guinea birds, while Mysore and Mafoor seem to be more distinct as regards their avifauna. Nothing is known of the economy of the present beautiful little Sunbird ; and I transcribe the following remarks of Captain § Shelley, who writes in his ‘Monograph :’— “This form is nearly related to C. aspasi@; and I place it in the green-backed division of the ‘ Hermo- tuma’ group: yet it much depends upon the light in which we view these feathers, as to whether the green or blue shade predominates; in this respect, therefore, it may be readily distinguished from C. aspasie, | as well as in the greater extent of the metallic throat. It also differs from typical specimens of that bird in having the crown of a darker colour, and the throat almost pure lilac: but these parts in C. aspasie vary to a certain extent in individual specimens, as may be seen in my article on that species. “The present bird has only been found on Mysore, the large outer island of the Bay of Geelvink, where it was first collected by Dr. Meyer, who pointed out its specific characters.” The following description of the adult male is given by Captain Shelley :— Black with a deep-blue gloss; the entire crown metallic bluish emerald-green ; the least and median series of wing-coverts, scapulars, lower half of the back, and the upper tail-coverts metallic green very strongly shaded with blue; the tail-feathers and a few of the outer greater wing-coverts edged with the same metallic bluish green; chin and throat rich metallic lilac, and extending further on the chest than in C. aspasi@ ; bill and legs black ; irides dark brown. Total length 4°6 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 2°5, tail 1:7, tarsus 0°65. The adult female and young male resemble those of C. aspasie. In the Plate I have represented two males and a female, from typical specimens lent to me by Dr. Meyer.