Scaly-necked Pied Flycatcher. U S, Tristram. Piezorhynchus squamulatus, Tristram, Ibis, 1882, pp. 136, 142.—Ramsay, tom. cit. p. 472. Monarcha squamulatus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genoy. XV. p. 423 (1882).—Id. Orn Papuasia, etc App. p. 530 (1882). ie lil. Tue island of Ugi in the Solomon group is the home of this Flycatcher, which belongs to the same section of the genus Prezorhynchus as P. vidua of Tristram, to which species it is closely allied. Like that bird it has a white collar round the neck, and the lower back and rump also white ; but it is easily recognized by the black and white mottlings on the fore neck, which are not present in the San Cristoval species. The subject of the present article was discovered by Lieut. Richards, R.N., who has brought to our knowledge so many fine species of birds from the Solomon Archipelago. It appears to be confined to the island of Ugi, whence Mr. Ramsay also informs us that he has received several specimens, The following is a description of the type specimen :— Adult male. General colour above blue-black, the crown of the head separated from the mantle by a broad white collar; lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts white; lesser wing-coverts like the back ; median and greater coverts with large spots of white at the ends, margined with black in the median series, and extending to the edge of the feathers in the greater series, where the white is more largely developed, especially on the inner ones ; bastard wing, primary-coverts, and quills black, the innermost secondaries with a triangular spot of white at the ends; tail-feathers black, with the two outer ones tipped with white (N.B. The tail is imperfect, and three white-tipped feathers may exist); lores, sides of face, ear- coverts, cheeks, and throat black; the fore neck white, all the feathers edged with black, producing a scaly appearance; remainder of under surface of body pure white; thighs black ; ‘ale wing Covers and axillaries white, the edge of the wing black, as well as the adjoining coverts $ quills black been white at extreme base of inner web; “bill and feet drab colour; iris light brown” (2echards). Total length 6 inches, culmen 0°5, wing 3:1, tail 2°8, tarsus 0°8. ny andlide cutee Weare again indebted to our friend Canon Tristram for the opportunity of bee oe i ei is interesting species in the present work. The Plate represents the male bird ue oe ae ae drawn from the original specimen, which, as far as this country is concerned, still remains unig Tristram’s collection. [R. B. S.J Al ‘ we S| 3 sa i a ave PICU C