CAR Lae he a 7 Ss eee ~ p 2 ee WAESR RECTES CERVINIVENTRIS, Gray. Fawn-breasted Wood-Shrike. Rectes cerviniventris, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 430, BF Akad. Wissensch. Wien, lxix, p. 208 (1874). Rosenb. Malay. Arch. p. 395 (1879). Rhectes cerviniventris, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genoy. p. 200 (1881). insch, Neu-Guinea, p. 176 (1865).—Me Clem O Zan ke —Sharpe, Cat. Birds in Brit. Mus. il, p. 286 (1877) Xv. p. 44 (1879).—Id. Orn. Papuasia e delle Molucche, ii. nn As with 2. leucorhynchus, so with the present bird, we cannot find Mr. Gray’s authority for stating that it is found in the island of Gagie, as no specimen from this island exists in the British specimens are deposited. The original specimen came from W species, and where it has since been met with by Mr. Bruijn, who has also found it in Batanta. The late Dr. Bernstein likewise procured it in the island of Ghemien. The habitat Gagie must therefore be entirely erroneous, though how the mistake arose we are unable to conjecture. The following description is copied from the British Museum ‘ Catalogue of Birds ’:— ** Adult male. General colour above ashy olive, inclining to olive on the rump and upper tail-coverts; the Museum, where the type aigiou, where Mr. Wallace discovered the head crested, ashy grey, this colour pervading the mantle and back ; sides of face and sides of neck rather darker ashy ; wings olive-brown, the inner webs of the feathers darker brown, the outer webs washed with reddish olive; tail-feathers brown, washed with olive on the edges of the feathers, the outer ones reddish brown, edged with deep fawn-colour on the outer web; throat and fore neck ashy, washed with ochre ; rest of under surface of body chestnut fawn-colour, including the thighs, under wing- and _tail-coverts ; mes surface of body dark ashy brown, the inner webs rufous fawn-colour. ‘Total length 8°6 inches, culmen 1-05, wing 3°70, tail 3°5, tarsus 1:25.” . oe The Plate represents an adult bird in two positions, of the size of life, the figures being drawn from a specimen in the British Museum. [R. B. S.J