Tea DIPHYLLODES CHRYSOPTERA, Gowda. Golden-winged Bird of Paradise. Diphyllodes chrysoptera, Gould, MS., unde —— speciosa, var. chrysoptera, Elliot, Monogr. Parad. pl. 13. I nave for a considerable time possessed specimens of the present bird, which I lent to Mr. Elliot for of the ’ figuring in his monograph of the family. He does not, however, consider it more than a ‘ variety ’ ordinary species, as will be seen from the account which I extract from his work :— «The only difference perceptibie between these specimens and those of the well-known species with which I have compared them is that the wings are of a golden colour. In size they are equal. I do not consider that there are sufficient grounds shown for naturalists to regard these birds as belonging to a species distinct from the D. speciosa; and I have given a representation of them merely to exhibit a form of variation to which perhaps D. speciosa is subject in certain localities. The exact place from which they come is not known. . . . . The bird may be described as the same as D. speciosa with yellow secondaries.” I have reproduced Mr. Elliot’s remarks because I wish my readers to know his exact opinion respecting the birds, especially as I am compelled to differ from him entirely in his belief that the present bird is nothing but a variety of D. speciosa. I possess two individuals of D. chrysoptera, both males, and agreeing with each other; and considering that only during the past year a new and beautiful species of this very genus has been discovered in the well-known island of Waigiou, I see nothing extraordinary in another island being the habitat of this, to me, very well-characterized bird. I consider it perfectly distinct from D. speciosa ; and I am certain that before long its proper habitat will be brought to light. The birds are represented of the natural size. — Re 2) a AN 27) aS 2 4 we > ea Cay BW % oN: © is] De > 7 ; 4 we Ae Pe ¥ = * oy IIPS