> aie = : - We yee ‘aot A: > Zw) C Vf , res) ) at | YY cad a a x Ne SEY GV GY AN 1 ss ae te ~ rc 2 a ou , “ 2 ‘ A Pals aak. inches, culmen 1°15, wing 4°5 copper 5 remainder of under surface purplish black. Total length 9 inches, cu 15, wing 4°55, tail 3°6. «Adult female. Above deep chocolate- over the eye a few white-spotted plumes ; brown, externally dull rufous brown ; throat white ng to rufous on the flanks aud under tail-coverts, the whole under sur- brown, the feathers of the top and sides of the head blackish brown; wing-coverts and quills blackish brown, externally reddish ; tail ' _all the feathers being black tipped with white; rest of the under surface buffy white, inclini face barred across with dull brown ; under wing-coverts rufous, barred across with brown. ‘Total length 8:8 inches, culmen 1:05, wing 5:1, tail 4, tarsus 1°3.” The principal figure. drawn in a state of excitement, is of the natural size, with a reduced male and female in the distance. “0 VAS: os oi, ON SPR ADLTN2 > SS Were: 2 IT ond We 4 a a \~= © > ee x NS Bh OTT ge Se EP