ee wwsnceco HARPACTES ARDENS. Rosy-breasted Trogon. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. s. Verti i mw O “ e Ma ce, nuchii plumisque auricularibus intense sanguineo-rubri i cn i 8; pectore rosaceo. oem. ‘ertice genisque 2 € fuscis > 4 , »doma ide ; g que intense fuscis ; pectore et abdomine palhidé ochraceo-fuscis. Male.—Head, back of the neck, and ear-coverts dark blood-red, approaching to black on the forehead and ear-coverts; throat black; back and upper tail-coverts cinnamon ; wine- rarte Q EN eS ae Sy Wee o : : ° ° : coverts and secondaries black, crossed with fine regular lines of white ; primaries black, margined externally with white; two centre tail-feathers reddish chestnut, tipped with black ; the two next on each side wholly black ; the three outer ones blackish brown at base, largely tipped with white; the shafts and a series of tooth-like markings on the inner webs blackish brown ; chest delicate rose-colour, the remainder of the undersurface scarlet; “bill bright yellow, the base green ; ophthalmic region ultramarine blue; inside of the mouth yellow ; feet olive-green; the palms and claws yellow; irides brown.” Total length 12 inches, bill 14, wing 54, tail 8. Female.—Crown of the head, cheeks, and upper surface dark cinnamon-brown ; throat clouded with blackish brown ; breast and all the undersurface light sandy-brown, becoming of a yellower hue on the under tail-coverts; wing-coverts and secondaries blackish brown, crossed with lines of sandy brown; tail as in the male. Trogon ardens, Temm. P|. Col. 404.—Id. Mon. of Trog. in PL. Col.—Gould, Mon. of Trog.. pl. 35. —— (Harpactes) ardens, Gould, Mon. of Trog., List of Plates, no. 35. Harpactes ardens, Gould, Mon. of Trog., Syn. Spee., gen. Harpactes, sp. 7.—Gray, List. of Spec. of Birds in Coll. Brit. Mus., part ii. sec. 1. Fissirostres, p. 44.—Gray and Mitch. Gen of Birds, vol. i. p. 70, Harpactes, sp. 7.—Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. i. p. 151, Har- pactes, sp. 7.—Cassin, Unit. States Expl. Exp. Mamm. and Orn., 1858, p. 229.—Gould, Birds of Asia, part xiv. pl. 7. 7 | Pyrotrogon ardens, Bonap. Consp. Vol. Zygod. p. 14, gen. 5, ¢. 38.—Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil iv. p. 159. ; | = Harpactes rodiosternus, Peale, Zool. Unit. States Expl. Exp., Birds, Ist edit. vol. vii. 1848, p. 166.—Hartl. Wieg. Archiv. tom. vii. pt. 1. p. 112 ] HE Ros - o WV it ) i na ‘king's of which the brilliant colour ng o y iG Tr is < . Ww so many beau iful mal 5> f br asted Ty ogon 1S adot ned 1 | ) 5 ; st ¢ j s it almost, if not its bill and the extremely delicate rosy hue of its breast are the most conspicuous, - ; : . “a ae | : . scri 7 »mminck, with the specific tirel tvi y other species of its genus. It was first described by M. Temminck, | entirely, outvies every spe g os artr e ees . this llati f ard fi female in the collection of the Baron Laugier de Chartrouse, of Paris ; appellation of ardens, from a @ NERES os x NESENEDEDESESERABED ae 6; 6B G3 ~ 34363 3 { toh Fo 3 = vay a 62 a A ° = CY, a ° 0 P| et ae ee) = 6BAd4ESESEN Bs ay.