Introduction to the mammals of Australia: Part II

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Northern Nail-tail Wallaby plate 52
Northern Nail-tail Wallaby plate 52
Plate depicting: Onychogalea unguifera (Gould, 1840) -- Northern Nail-tail Wallaby. Alternate name, as printed: Onychogalea uniguifer -- Nail-tailed kangaroo
Northern Nail-tail Wallaby plate 53
Northern Nail-tail Wallaby plate 53
Plate depicting: Onychogalea unguifera (Gould, 1840) -- Northern Nail-tail Wallaby. Alternate name, as printed: Onychogalea uniguifer -- Nail-tailed kangaroo
Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby plate 54
Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby plate 54
Plate depicting: Onychogalea fraenata (Gould, 1840) -- Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby. Alternate name, as printed: Bridled nail-tailed kangaroo