50 Oo) ast Fail IRIRIRIL RIRD, Ry x | oe \& a muzzle blackish in front of the eye; from the occiput two conspicuous white marks run backward, and diverging, pass one on each side over the shoulder, and recurve at a short distance behind the insertion of the fore-leg ; the space between these lines is black on the occiput, and brownish black on the back of the neck; sides of the neck suffused with pale ochreous yellow; tarsi and arms nearly white ; hands and toes dusky, but most of the hairs round the nails of the former white ; tail coloured like the body at the base, but black along the upper surface of the apical third, and at the point where the hairs being longer than elsewhere, hide a small horny tubercle with which the tail is terminated; under surface of the tail dirty yellowish white. The female is not distinguished by any difference in marking ; the stripes are quite as intense as in the male, and are even apparent in the foetus. Considerable variation occurs in the weight of individuals, and particularly in the size and weight of the sexes, fully adult males weighing from ten to twelve pounds, while the females do not exceed four or six. The following are the admeasurements of the largest specimens I have seen ; ordinarily they are about one-fifth smaller :— Male. Female. eet. inches. feet. inches. Lenctiminomunenoseto the rootobthe tal | . . . | | 3 74 2 8L oy - OF WNO. Wa = ge ] 7 1 3 6 oo (2NSIS ancl toes, wn@hnGlunse wae malls 5 5 2 5 5 | | 0 64 0 5 ap PA MEANE ANC IOTOMTCmN cet Nema is fe 0 5 0 4 +» » face from the tip of the nose to the base of the ear... 0 38 0 34 6 SC i ae eee ee ae, 0 34 0 3+ The Plate represents a male about three-fourths of the natural size.