ooo ee ee See IRILIRILINS. o > ‘On o on io o ‘om o ‘om o ed o Q 3 a lio » 3 » Fall} SoS vil rr. ° ak ax —- yi Ki 3a] ay RIL o Win e soc sSeaososa Ann RRA AA AMANAMaANSO OD an oo sono aoooaeoeee ee sea0 a and has very little gloss ; on the crown of the head the hairs have their points directed inwards and back- wards, and there meeting the hairs of the neck, which have the points directed forwards, a small tuft is formed at their point of junction on the back of the head. The general tint of the animal is brown, slightly inclining to greyish brown on the back; the sides of the body are of a cea brighter colour, being slightly tinted with yellowish ; the whole of the under parts, as well as the fore-legs and feet, are of a dirty yellowish white; the hind-legs are of the same tint externally as the sides of the body, but paler on their inner sides; the tarsi are of a uniform pale brown. ‘The ears are rather small, rounded at the tip, and clothed externally with short and almost velvet-like black hairs; internally the hairs are few in number and of a greyish hue; the tail is well clothed with short and soft hairs, brown on the upper surface, and brownish white beneath ; on the sides of the tail the hairs, instead of pointing backwards as usual, are directed upwards; the tip of the tail is almost destitute of hair (apparently worn off by friction), and exhibits the scales very distinctly. The head is of a pale brown colour, and the muffle is naked. inches. lines. ; “ Length from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail . . . . 29 3 OMCs 8 3 5 PCOS US ee A ee ae 6 0 a from nose to ear 5 1 eOlmcary eS ] 10 i ,, fore-arm, from elbow to ends of fingers . 7 6? The Plate represents the fore part of the animal of the natural size; and complete figures in the distance, which are necessarily much reduced.