PETROGALE INORNATA, Gowa Unadorned Rock Wallaby. Petrogale inornata, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., part x. p. 5.—Ib. Mon. of Macropodide, pl. .—Gray, List of Spec. of Mamm. in Coll. Brit. Mus. 5) Bo Y _ Macropus (Heteropus) inornatus, Waterh. Nat. Hist. of Mamm., vol. i. p. 175. Tuis new species, tor which I am indebted to the kindness of B. Bynoe, Esq., of H.M.S. Beagle, differs from all the other members of the genus in the unusual uniformity of its colouring. Mr. Bynoe collected it on the north coast of Australia. In size it is about equal to the P. Jateralis of the western coast, to which, as also to P. penicillata, it is very nearly allied, but differs from them both in being destitute of any markings on the sides, in the absence of any dark colouring behind the ears, and in the light colouring of the arms and tarsi. During the interval of nearly twenty years which has elapsed since I first characterized this animal, no additional examples of this, or any other mammal of the rarely visited part of Australia it inhabits, have reached this country; but when the north coast of Australia shall have been thrown open to the settler, it will doubtless be found that the Petrogale inornata is as abundant in the rocky districts of that part of the country as the P. penicillata is in the brushes of New South Wales. General colour of the upper parts sandy grey, grizzled over the shoulders, and becoming much lighter on the flanks; an indistinct line of a lighter hue along the face under the eye; a dusky red patch behind the elbow; under surface sandy white, inclining to rufous on the lower part of the abdomen; arms and tarsi sandy grey, passing into dark brown at the extreme tips of the toes ; basal half of the tail sandy brown, the remainder black, the former colour extending along the sides of the tail for some distance towards the tip; ears sandy grey, bordered by a very narrow line of dark brown on their inner edge; a dark patch at the occiput, passing into a dark line down the forehead. Female. feet. inches. Length from the tip of the nose to the extremity of the tail 3 2 op Ot teal ee 1 34 Pe Olmvalictic: amc ae eee Ae eal ete on » of arm and hand, including the nails o » of face, from the tip of the nose to the base of ae ear 44 : 1z of ears The accompanying Plates represent the head of the natur ‘al size, and a reduced figure of the entire animal. i> Se co ¢ co 2 , VNANANANGNENe Yaa \ A> ove ONAN Me