ooo ยป~FeRe me VIR LILI INSAEINEASSN oZe Fe, Tezo EKS: o io Jim Of AN IRININININILIL IN 4 => ae RILIRIN 29 VRYVILIL ICY belongs, its entire length from the nose to the end of the tail being three feet ten inches, the tail measuring twenty-three inches ; the arm, hand and nails six inches; the tarsus, toes and nail six inches and a half; the Ce from the tip of the nose to the ear four and a half inches, and the ear two inches. Of its flesh as an article of food I can speak most highly, having frequently partaken of it in the bush and always found it excellent. The fur is long and rather harsh to the touch; its general colour is a dusky brown tinged with purple, passing into deep rusty red on the rump, the base of the tail, the hinder part of the thighs and the abdomen ; face dark grey; along the face from the lip to the ear a dusky white mark; a narrow dark line runs from the middle of the forehead nearly half way down the back; shoulders and flanks vinous grey, separated from the general tint of the upper surface by an indistinct line of a lighter tint, scarcely to be distinguished in some specimens ; a narrow white line passes from the throat down the centre of the chest; ears black, passing into grey at the base, and having in some specimens a band of rufous along the outer edge; arms and hands, tarsi and feet rusty red, deepening into black on their extremities. The two sexes when adult are nearly alike in size and similiar in colour.