PETROGALE PENICILLATA, Gray. Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby. Upper Har or rue ANIMAL, OF THE SIZE OF LIFE. Ir is not a little teresting to observe how varied are the forms of the various species of Kangaroos, and how well each is suited to the physical conditions of that great southern land of our antipodes, Australia,—the plains, the forests, the rocks, and the trees, each being tenanted by members of this extensive family. Of these the Rock- Wallabys constitute a well-defined section, the species of which are active in the extreme among the haunts they affect. The P. penicillata, the Brush-tailed Rock-Wallaby of the colonists, is an inhabitant of New South Wales. A more detailed account of the situations it frequents will be found in the page accompanying the Plate with the reduced figures. ee OAARaARAR. QAO NANI BQO VAG ; Ite a Ps a NI A& Sy 4) aN Oa a cNaNEne f NAVE NNNNIVVAAYAY aA 0 WAN 365% ws ei eke AwWar i gee