HALMATURUS AGILIS, Gould. Agile Wallaby. Heap anp Fore Parr or THE Bopy, OF THE NATURAL SIZE. Ir will be seen that Mr. Richter has indulged in a little variation as regards the opposite illustration ; the animal, however, is faithfully portrayed, both as regards its form and colourmg and the texture of the short adpressed hair which covers its body. All these points are seen to much greater advantage than m the Jerboa-like reduced figures on the next Plate: it is, indeed, impossible to do justice to the appearance of these animals in such small representations of them. It will be seen that the full-sized head and fore quarters are more darkly coloured than the reduced figures; but as such differences really exist in the various specimens, no apology is necessary for the seeming discrepancy. The time, we may suppose, is not far distant when the northern part of the great southern continent will be peopled by our enter- prising settlers. That country contains the bones of my worthy assistant Gilbert, who fell a sacrifice to the treachery of the natives, while arduously prosecuting his researches for the advancement of science and the furtherance of the present work. It is well known that he was in company with the celebrated explorer Dr. Leichardt, who, in like manner, found a resting-place in that terra incognita; but it is still unknown in what precise locality his fate was sealed. This country of the Kangaroos is second to none in the sacrifice of valuable lives in the various attempts which have been made to unfold the hidden recesses of its treasures. ESE SESE RE: C2 ts 4) aaa Al/ 6 Benga Co? tT) —_ 4 + i AA. har cL eg? e sy) > 36. Ed6 1 ERED enn \ i RE Tae im,