HALMATURUS UALABATUS. Black Wallaby. Heap AND ForE QUARTERS, OF THE NATURAL SIZE. Tuis huge Wallaby is an inhabitant of morasses, mangrove-swamps, and humid woods ; and, so far as I am aware, New South Wales is the only part of Australia it frequents. Its characteristics are its black and rich rusty-red colouring, its shaggy thick coat, short ears, and long swinging tail. It stands quite alone among the great family of Kangaroos, there being no other species with which it can be confounded. The weight of an old male is about sixty pounds, while that of the female is considerably less. Its flesh is eaten both by the natives and settlers, but, so far as I recollect, is not so palatable as that of H. ruficollis or H. Bennetti. Very correct reduced figures will be found on the next Plate, and a full description on the opposite page. (7 oo0o0esa &aeae 7 < - 62 x 1% BoE a L@1e7 ao 1g" 4 <} £4 Rk AG B: ir na A AS As ae LS ae - eS &' efoiaGo } z= a -, = er to 4 OO Of nt) eG oe wa 1 a oFeo