and the lower lip white ; throat and fore part of the neck white, the hairs being grey at the base d the: $ uy surface like the upper, but paler ; tail blackish brown above, paler beneath. oe The female has the general colour silvery grey, obscurely tinted with purplish or vinous on the b k . : . q j cheeks hoary, with a blackish patch on the chin ; tail dirty white, slightly ti 1 9 Vi Inge under surface nearly white 5 > d 2 Ni the with brown on the upper side; fingers ; toes brownish black above. Male. Female : : feet. inches. ; Length from the nose to the extremity of the tail 7 on a GT Meeouihestal «9. eee se st 2 102 2 6 . . 2 ; : . tarsus and toes, including thesmail) er 2s al 0 1) 100 ,. arm and hand, MIN va nee eT) Sie eee 1324 ai Bl ae a 5 ,. face from the tip of the nose to the base of the ear . 8 a CT a A Bee 3t . 3 ” ” The accompanying Plates represent the head of the male of the natural size, and whole but tl greatly reduced figures of both sexes. a ee arte tt ihn ea t on 2 ae Me ae us