5 = i 1 : : % 3 q 1 7 3 33 , # 4H '9 : | 4 4 i A Z Tue countries inhabited by this species are Malacca, Sumatra, and HARPACTES KASU MBA. Kasumba Trogon. Cy Y SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mas. Vertice, gutture nectoreque niqris. Jée noetin> ty iain ‘ » gut pectoreque nigris, hée postice torque albo ; abdomine et strigd inde ductd nuchamque cingente coccineis. Foem. Magis obscura: capi C6 ri Gee a Y ; capite guttureque saturate grisesc enti-brunneis ; pectore arenaceo-brunneo. Male.—Head, throat, and chest jet-black ; breast, abdomen. and under tail-coverts deep rose-red, é : Beet es PTA se 4] ee |. . : : separated from the black of the chest by a crescentic band of white ; from below the eve round the back of the neck a narrow band of red; back and upper tail-coverts yellowish brown; w ings black, the coverts and tertiaries transversely rayed with fine irregular lines of white, and the shafts of the primaries white at the base ; two middle tail-feathers chestnut- brown, tipped with black ; the two rest on each side wholly black, the remainder black at the base, and white for the rest of their length, with dark shafts ; orbits light violet-blue, becoming of a more fleshy hue near the eyes; bill blue; gape light violet-blue ; irides dark brown ; feet brown. Total length about 12 inches, bill 1, wing 63, tail 64. Female.-—Head and throat greyish brown; white band on the breast much less conspicuous, under surface sandy brown; markings of the wings bolder, and of a sandy hue, instead of pure white. Trogon kasumba, Raffi. Linn. Trans. vol. xii. p. 282. fascratus, Temm. P].Col. 321.—Id. Mon. of Trog. in Pl. Col.—Less. Traité d’Orn. p. 121. Id. Mon. of Trog. pl. 29. i oe . : ee te oo eee emmincku, Gould, in Proc. of Zool. Soc., part m1. 1835, p. 29. nN flagrans, Kuhl, Tydsch. Nat. Gesch. 1835, p. 336. Harpactes kasumba, Blyth, Cat. of Bir _ a a M2 bt — Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 80.—Gould, Birds of Asia, part vill. pl. 6.—Ilorsf. and Moore, Cat. of Birds in Mus. Kast Ind. Comp., vol. i. ». 460, and 1863, p. 213. p- 715.—Selat. in Proce. Zool. Soc., part xxvii. 1859, ne (Cpe a] i a a aD = he } ‘ és (ates ~— A Birds, vol. ii. p. 3837.—Gould, Mon. of Trog., syn. Temminckii, Swains. Class. o I : spec. Harpactes, sp. 1.— Gray, List of Birds in Brit. Mus., part 11. sec. 1. /ssirostres, p. 44. —Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 71, Harpactes, sp. 4, and vol. ui. App. p. 4, app. to p. 71.—Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. i. p. 151, Harpactes, sp. 4. Trogon (Harpactes) Temminckii, Gould, Mon. of Trog., List of Plates, sp. 29. | “Trogon Condea, Cuv.,” Blyth, Cat. of Birds in Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 50. Pyrotrogon kasumba, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil. iv. p. 158. Kasumba of the Sumatrans. Borneo, from all of which I have Specimens in my own collection. = as enoaged in explosile jews s of the In a‘letter received from Mr. Wallace in 1856, when he was engaged in exploring the Islands < ‘ : ang ° ~ ON ViVi oa) nd VANG ’ ao isVoro Rae adh on Wa \ Vii Vi 4 NG e,o7o oe ta 4 " i iM J ki : . y u . r 3 J : A % = ' a