CURSORIUS RUFUS, Gowid. Curs. fronte castaneo-rufo ; occipite griseo, fascid alba cincto ; hdc supra et infra lined angustd nigrd marginatd ; nuchd rufescente ; corpore summo rufescenti-brunneo ; guld albidd ; pectore pallide-fulvo, hoc colore in fasciam ventralem nigram mergente ; abdomine posteriore, crissoque albis ; remigibus primariis nigris ; secundariis albis ; prymno rectri- cibusque caude ad basin brunneo-griseis, harum duabus intermediis nota nigra apicali, externis fere albis, reliquis plis minisve ad apicem albis, nec non nigrd macula griseum colorem cingente ; rostro nigro ; digitis nigrescentibus ; tarsis albido-flaris. Long. tot. 9 une.; rostri, 11; ale, 54; caude, 2; tarsi, 3. Forehead chestnut red; occiput grey, bounded by a line of white, which is externally margined with black ; back of the neck and all the upper surface and breast rufous brown, passing into black on the centre of the belly ; throat white ; hinder part of the belly and vent white; primaries black; secondaries tipped with white, form- ing a bar across the wing; bill black; tarsi yellowish white; toes darker. Cursorius rufus, Gould, in Proc. of Zool. Soc. Part JW, UBIO, jo, Sil. Tuts new species of Cursorius is a native of the islands of the Indian Ocean, but from what particular locality Ihave not been able to ascertain. In size it is directly intermediate between Cursorius Temmincku and Cursorius Asiaticus, to both of which species it is very closely allied ; but it differs from either in the rich rufous colouring of the upper surface of the body, in the triangular mark of grey on the occiput, in the band of white which passes obliquely across the wings, and in not possessing a band of white across the rump, as 1s the case with Cursorius Asiaticus. The figure is of the natural size.