TAB XLVI. BUCCO GRANDIS. Pre-EMINENT in size and the beauty of its markings, this very splendid Barbet may be ranked among the most conspicuous of the genus to which it is at present assigned. It differs considerably, however, in some material points, from the characters of that group ; and it may be questioned whether at some future period, a more decided and fitting receptacle might not be found for its admission. The Bucco grandis has not hitherto been known as a native of the Himalayan mountains, although its existence has been already familiar to science as an inhabitant of China. The head, neck and throat, are deep steel blue, changing in different lights to varying tints of green; the back and chest rich olive brown; the quills are green on their outer edges; the tail green; the abdomen greenish, thickly dashed about the flanks with spots of brown, blue and grey; the under tail-coverts are scarlet ; the beak yellowish white with a black ridge; the tarsi black. The bird is figured of the natural size.