TAB. XLV. COCCOTHRAUSTES ICTERIOIDES. Mas. Cocc. capite, jugulo, dorso medio, als, femorum tectricibus, caudagque atris ; nucha, uropygto, corporeque subtus luteis. Fem. Olivaceo-cana, uropygio abdomineque lutescentibus ; remigibus rectricebusque atris. Longitudo corporis, 8: unc.; caudee, 3:. Tuns richly coloured species of Grosbeak, which may be considered as a typical example of the genus, is one of the most valuable recent additions to science. It is a bird of extreme rarity in our Museums ; the female, indeed, of the pair which we were fortunate enough to procure, is the only specimen of that sex, we believe, which has hitherto been brought to this country. In a state of nature it lives on the smaller stone fruits of the Himalayan mountains ; and its habits, shy and retiring,—the bird inhabiting for the most part the interior of thick woods,—are in other respects closely allied to those of the European Coccothraustes. In the male, the head, neck, middle of the back, wings and tail are black; the back of the neck, rump, and under parts generally rich yellow ; the thighs are blackish brown; the bill olive green; the tarsi yellow. In the female the general plumage is dull grey; the quills and tail black ; the rump and abdomen slight tawny. The Plate represents the male and female of the natural size.