Tap. XXVEj met PH@NICURA FRONTALIS. Phen. fusco-atra ; abdomine, crisso; uropygio, rectricumque apicibus, duarum mediarum exceptis, rufis ; fronte lazulino splendente. Longitudo corporis, 5% unc. Tue genus Phenicura includes a great portion of the most beautiful birds composing the family of Sylviade ; among which the present species, P. frontalis, stands pre-eminent in elegance as well as rarity, no specimen except that from which the figure was taken having hitherto been made known. We have no account of its habits and manners. The top of the head, the back and breast, are black with a tinge of lazuline blue, which colour prevails on the forehead and stretches above the eyes ; the wings are brown ; the rump and under parts bright rufous ; the tail-feathers are rufous with black tips, except the two middle ones which are wholly black ; the beak and tarsi are black. Tas. XXVIL., Fig. 2. PHGNICURA LEUCOCEPHALA. Phen. corpore apiceque caudce atris ; abdomine, crisso, uropygio, caudaque rufis ; capite supra albo. Statura Phen. rubecule. Tuer situations to which this species generally resorts are said to be the sides of ravines and the vicinity of mountain-streams, where it flits from stone to stone, or from crevice to crevice, in search of such insects as are peculiar to those localities, and which constitute its chief subsistence. From the numerous examples which the collection afforded, it may be concluded that it is by no means an uncommon bird in that portion of the Himalaya which it inhabits ; and it may be added, that the sexes present little or no variety in their plumage. : The top of the head and the occiput are white ; the whole of the upper surface and breast black ; the under parts bright chestnut, as are also the feathers of the tail, except the tips, which are black; the bill and tarsi are black. : Both these species are figured of the natural size.