TaB. XVI. CINCLOSOMA VARIEGATUM. Cinclos. Strigd @ rictu per oculos extendente, mento colloque in fronte, macula pteromatum et media alarum, rectricumque mediarum basibus atris ; fronte, strigd genarum mnfra, pectoreque pallide albescenti-rufis ; nota pteromatum, abdomie crissoque rups ; capite supra, nucha, dorsoque brunnescenti-griseis ; alarum pogonis eaxternis, rectricumque medrarum quatuor apicibus CINETACEO-TISELS 5 rectricibus quatuor utrinque lateralibus eaterné flavo- olwvaceis, apicibus albis. Rostrum nigrum ; pedes rubri. Longitudo corporis, 11 une. ; ale a4 carpo ad apicem remigis 6te, 4; rostri, 5; tarst, 0; caudee, 4%. We are here presented. with another species of this peculiar form, which with the succeeding undoubtedly belongs to the same genus with the Cinclosoma ocellatum, to which, in many of its markings and general characteristics, it is closely allied, as more particularly in the short rounded wing, the graduated tail, and strong tarsi. In size, however, it is considerably inferior ; and although we believe it is equally confined to the mountains, it is much more common, as we have observed more than one in Himalayan collections. Like the true Zhrushes, we believe these birds offer little or no external difference in the plumage of the sexes. From the base of the beak a black band spreads round the eye, becoming paler as it approaches the occiput 5 the forehead and cheeks are pale brownish white ; the throat black ; the whole of the upper surface greyish olive ; a conspicuous band of black occupies the shoulder and centre of the wing ; the quills have the external edges grey, the mner black with the exception of the two outer; the middle tail-feathers are black at their base, the outer ones being edged with yellowish olive and tipped with white; the breast is pale grey; the under tail-coverts rufous brown ; the beak brown ; the tarsi light brown.