ADVERTISEMENT. InpI,, and especially its central regions, presents a field the richness of whose stores at once invites and repays the industry of the naturalist; and although few scientific or enterprising travellers return to Europe without adding something to our knowledge, still the fact presses upon us, strengthened even by their researches, that much remains for the labourer. The fortunate possession of a valuable collection from the Himalaya mountains, has enabled the Author to lay this Century of hitherto unfigured Birds before the public; thus, as he humbly trusts, adding his mite to the treasury of scientific knowledge. In rendering these figures as perfect as possible, neither expense nor labour has been spared: the attention of the Author has been directed not only to general form and colour, but also to the accurate delineation of those minutize, the omission of which is too often observable in illustrations of Zoology. The high and extensive patronage which in the publication of this his first work the Author has received, he begs to acknowledge with the most lively gratitude ; and should the support of the public, which has already exceeded his most sanguine expectations, encourage him at a future period to give additional illustrations in the Ornithology of this or any other country, he pledges himself that no exertion shall be wanting on his part to render them worthy the patronage of the scientific public, and attest the sincerity of his gratitude for that which he has already received. Among the many who claim his thanks, the Author feels himself indebted in an especial manner to N. A. Vigors, Esq. M.P., for whose kindness on this and all occasions he returns his warmest acknowledgements. By that gentleman the originals of these illustrations were laid before the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society; and by him not only the nomenclature, but also the accompanying letter-press descriptions were liberally contributed. The Author begs also to return his grateful acknowledgements to the Hon. C. J. Shore, for the information he has afforded relative to the habits and localities of many of the species, and for the valuable MSS., containing original observations on the Ornithology of the Himalaya mountains, which he has placed at the Author's disposal. As it respects the originals, the Author begs to say that the public will now find them among the extensive collection of the Zoological Society, its Council having done him the honour to accept and deposit them in the Society's Museum, where they may be available for the purposes of science, and open to the inspection of those who are interested in the study of © Zoology. JOHN GOULD.