AGYRTRIA NIGRICAUD Black-tailed Emerald. A. Thaumatias niyricauda, Elliot, Ibis, 1878, p. 47. Agyriria mgricauda, Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 208 (1878). Mr. Exxior, who originally placed this Species in the genus Thaumatias, has, in bis | arger work, referred it to dvyrtria. It differs from all the foregoing ne mbers of the genus in having the under tail-coverts green on the centre tail-feathers under certain lights. ee WANG Species: ; cording to Mr. Elliot, is Guiana, Trinidad. ; Tornheeneten aoe lhe home of this species, accor¢ Ing to Mr. Hiltot, is Guiana, ‘Trinidad, and North-eastern Brazil. ntleman :— “Upper parts bronzy green, darkest ou the head, and shading Throat and breast shining metallic grass-green. pure white. The tail is steel-black, with a tinge of The following is the description given by the above-named ve into purple on the upper tail-coverts. Flanks dark green, with scarcely any lustre. Middle of abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts pure white. Tail steel-black, the two outermost feathers greenish grey at their tips, the next merely edged with white at the tip. Maxilla brownish black; mandible 5 . ; = = a . . . 5» flesh-colour, the tip black. Feet black. Total length 32 inches, wing 23, tail 1, bill along culmen &. [R. B. S.J AGYRTRIA NITIDICAUDA. Bright-tailed Emerald. Thaumatias nitidicauda, Elliot, Ibis, 1878, p. 48. : Agyrtria nitidicauda, Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 208 (1878). | | 1 res 1. nigricauda, but to differ said by Mr. Elliot to resemble A. mg a 2 | olden green; the remaining ones with the 9 : 5) eee: > , green; all the lateral tail-feathers are 5 Tus species, which comes from Guiana, 1s ao . oe rectrices are in the colour of the tail. The median pat of 8 ie : Ree me c¢ 20 inner webs black, except the tip, the outer w ebs metallic g tipped with bright metallic golden green. oe 0 > tvpe l s collec i= ; He further describes the species from the type ae a coe eet he tee wel : 9 ree ith a shebt c¢ J § ie a arts bright bronzy green, wl! 2 ee men dull green. ‘ Adult. Upper parts brig a oe ‘allie grassereen. Blanks and abdo g Throat, breast, and sides of the neck bright metallic gras WW; purplish brown Bill flesh-colour ie - ; : PCG ings p : i + tail-coverts pure white. § Middle of abdomen, vent, and under tat 8 ” i ail 13, bi ne culinen Z. i Total length 32 inches, wing 24, tail 14, bill along (perhaps red in life), with a dark tip. ote g [R. B. S.] white. er) oe: CJ = G 5 Sos 5 Ie e a> Eis * ce OG ee eu "COAG «ms = z ioe . oy . C) ao aC) & et a ;_vAC.*@- 2 PS 4