a NOR ZO¥:% Flanks buff mixed with green. Wings purplish brown. Under tail-coverts white. Tail purplish black, ntre pair slightly washed with green on outer webs. Maxilla black, mandible 3 margined with rufous, the ce flesh-colour, tip black. Total length «« Female. Upper parts bronzy green, brown white ; the throat spotted with dark brown. 22 inches, wing 18, tail 14, culmen 8. ish upon the head. Flanks buff. Throat, breast and abdomen Under tail-coverts buff edged with white. Wings purplish- » with rufous ; remainder black tipped with Four central rectrices grass-green, edged on outer wel brown. buffy white. Bill and feet black. In size same as the male.” An adult male, lent to me by Messrs. Salvin and Godman, is figured in the Plate along with a pair of §. ardens.