readers for a full account of the species to the article above referred to, and I give a copy of Mr. Elliot’s description of S. henshawi. “Male. Top of head metallic green ; intermixed with the rufous ones on the back. Breast and centre of abdomen white; flanks and under tail-coverts rufous. Tail rufous, tipped with dark brown ; feathers pointed at tip, median pair broad ; lateral ones growing narrower to the outermost, which On the inner web, near the tip of the rectrices next the median pair, is a well- upper parts cinnamon ; but some specimens have green feathers Throat metallic-orange, not brilliant as in the other species. is the most attenuated. developed notch. Bill black. Total length 3% inches, wing 12, tail 1%, culmen 3. «« Female. Entire upper parts shining grass-green, dullest on the crown. Throat white, spotted with brown. Underparts white, washed with rufous on the breast and flanks. Under tail-coverts buff. Median rectrices green; lateral ones rufous at base, then a band of metallic green, succeeded by a subterminal broad black bar, and tips white. Bill black. Total length 32 inches, wing 14, tail 13, culmen ¢. Young males are similar to the females, with a few metallie spots on the throat.” The home of this species is stated to be from Mexico northwards along the Pacific coast to Sitka.