We AOVoOA short description of the old red male and the adult green female, with the addition of s, which differ from their parents by having no bright colouring on the \ in the illustration more clearly than in any description I could write. llic fiery red ; the entire plumage of the body and colouring of the imaries and secondaries purplish brown; vent I will now give a the full-grown young of both sexe crown. This anomaly will be seet Old male-—Forechead and crown meta tail-feathers deep cinnamon-red ; wing-coverts the same; pr buffy white ; bill black. Young male.—Like the old male, except the cr spurious wing green ; whitish green runs up the shoulder. Old female.—Crown of the head metallic bluish green, with a bronzy lustre ; wings purplish brown, the ith green ; the central tail-feathers and the outer webs of the four next on each side webs of these lateral feathers white, deepening into green at the tip of the outer ie end of each feather of chin, throat, and own, which has not the slightest trace of metallic red; the spurious wing glossed Ww grass-green; the inner webs, under surface white with a spangle of shining green at tl flanks, the spangles being (in consequence of the smaller size of the feathers) most numerous on the chin; under tail-coverts white with green centres. The young female is like the old female; but she has no glittering feathers on the crown.