NO ee eer BOURCIERIA BOLIVIANA. Bolivian Inca. Lampropygia boliviana, Gould, Intr. Trochil. p. 1387 (1861).—Sel. & Salv. Nomenel. Av. Neotr. p. 90 (1873).—Elliot, Ibis, 1876, p. 57.—Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Ois.- Mouches, iii. p. 13. Trochilus boliianus, Gray, Hand-l. Birds, i. p- 139, no. 1789 (1869). Bourcieria boliwiana, Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 79 (1878). Tuts bird, which comes from Bolivia, bears a general resemblance to B. celigena, but differs in being of a much darker colour on the head and neck, and in having the tail dark olive-brown washed with bronze in lieu of light bronzy brown. The lower part of the back also is more richly coloured, the crescentic markings of green showing still greater lustre when viewed from behind. Total length 53 inches, bill 12, wing 32, tail 23, tarsus ¢. [R. B. S.J BOURCIERIA COLOMBIANA, Eitior. Colombian Inea. Lampropygia columbiana, Elliot, Ibis, 1876, p. 57. Bourcieria columbiana, Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 79 (1878). Tue type of this species is in Mr. Elliot’s collection from Colombia, and he states that it is the bird called by all ornithologists B. cehgena, from that province. It differs from B. celgena, however, in having the upper parts dark olive instead of coppery red, and in the tail being bright olive instead of dark rufous olive. The following description is given by Mr. Elliot :— ** Adult. Top and sides of head and nape olive-brown, with rufous reflexions; back same as head, slightly darker. Rump, viewed from behind, brilliant metallic green. Wings purple. Shoulder olive-brown. Throat white, centre of feathers blackish brown; upper part of breast smoky white, darker towards the abdomen, which, together with the flanks, is very dark rufous-brown. Under tail-coverts reddish brown ; central portion of the feathers blackish brown. Tail olive-brown. Bill black. Feet black. Total length 54 inches, wing 3, tail 2, culmen lesa [R. B. S.J Tri iw wi Per wes