\n Wa ie blackish brown; when viewed in the reverse direction, the centre of the back appears of a luminous purplish crimson, changing into a more coppery hue on the lower part of the back, and into grass-green on the rump; wings light purplish brown, except the outer web and shaft of the external feather, for which the basal three-fourths of their length are bright rufous; two centre tail-feathers rufous at the base, bronze for the remainder of their length; the lateral tail-feathers rufous, broadly margined externally and tipped with bronze ; line over the eye, all the under surface of the body, under surface of the wings, thighs, and under tail-coverts dark rufous, with the exception of a few feathers depending from the lower part of the chest, which are pale buff; bill blackish brown, apparently flesh-coloured at the base of the lower mandible ; feet purplish brown. In some specimens the throat is much clouded with dark brown; and I may remark, that specimens from Peru are generally somewhat smaller than those from Ecuador and Gannney The female is very similar, but is without the luminous colouring on the back. The Plate represents two males and a female of the natural size.