AULACORAMPHUS CASTANEORHYN CHUS, Gow. Chestnut-billed Groove-bill. Specific CHaracrer. Aul. rostro castaneo-rubro ; mandibula uferiore in medio, et culmine nisi ad basin negro undu- lates; vitta basalt straminea ; uropygr0 coccineo ; corpore subtus viridi ; pectore ceruleo tincto ; caude rectricibus quatuor intermediis ad apicem late castaneis. Crown of the head and upper surface brownish green; wings dark green ; rump crimson ; four middle tail-feathers deep bluish green, largely tipped with chestnut-brown, the re- mainder green ; all the under surface green, stained across the breast with hight blue; bill chestnut-red, becoming paler towards the point, clouded with black on the middle of the lower mandible and along the culmen, except at the base: at the base of the bill is a band of straw-white, which increases in breadth as it proceeds downwards. Total length, 19 inches; dr//, 44; wing, 53; tail, 7+; tarsi, 12. Pteroglossus (Aulacorhynchus) castaneorhynchus, Gould in Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. ix. p- 2 ) 22 JO. t Or the grass-green Toucans to which the generic term of Aulacorhynchus has been applied, the present species fe by oe the largest yet discovered. The accompanying figures were drawn from specimens yy own possession, which are somewhat smaller than those in the fine collection ae by ck late Belo! Derby. The Aulacorhynchus castaneorhynchus is nearly allied to A, hematopy gts, but the ee ae of ale latter, together with the darker colouring of the apical half of its bill, indicates its specific di- stinctness. , The present species appears to be strictly an Andean species, all the specimens I have eee I regret to add that nothing more is known seen having been sent to Europe in collections from Santa Fé de Bogota. respecting its The figures are of the natural size. aE TI titi £4 Ba LK KG RY COR poets tt eS $24 a re: a PLES ES. ES ED TEES