being destitute at all ages of the ornamental ruff so conspicuous in the male, and haying the taj] shorter g . te and more largely tipped with buff. The male has the forehead, line beneath the eye and the lengthened ear-coverts brilliant metallic green with, in some lights, a golden lustre ; back of the head, upper surface and wing-coverts bron, or across the rump a broad band of buffy white, below which is another band of chestnut-brown: wea | purplish brown ; upper tail-coverts bronzy green ; tail purplish bronze, each feather narrowly margined with black and narrowly tipped with buffy white; throat glossy grass-green ; lengthened plumes on each side of the neck olive-green, with a small spot of white at the extremity of each; under surface dark brown, with bronzy reflexions ; centre of the breast ornamented with a number of greyish white plumes: across the lower part of the abdomen a mark of white; bill black; feet brownish black. The female has the upper surface greenish bronze, inclining to brown on the crown; the under surface greyish white; the feathers of the throat streaked with brown; tail bronzy at the base, deepening into deep bronzy brown towards the extremity; the lateral feathers largely, and the central ones narrowly tipped with buff; back crossed by a band of buffy white, below which is another of chestnut-brown as the male; the wings, bill and feet are also of the same hue as in that sex. The Plate represents a male and a female of the natural size, on a Brazilian plant, of which a drawing was sent me by Mr. Reeves. | ul N é i a OG AE YN EO OS TT CN 3D NO CN ON