2 4 6>E2 \ A. NAYES TROCTES MASSEN i mS AK. * EREdESEREG BEREREIEDRED: Massena’s Troeon. On 1 SPECIFIC CHARACTER Mas. Staturd magné ; verti ‘more sunrh a ae Mas. & gnd ; vertice, corpore supra pectoreque nitide viridibus ; r aris: ald n ie PINDMe A AS . . ; et gutture nigris ; ala medid cinered negro delicate striatd, a) eee loris, plunis auricularibus mee primarus extus albo marginatis ; purpureo-viridibus, ad apicem ni rectricibus caude duabus intermediis quis nigri gris ; reliquis nig7ris ; pec- a tore corporeque subtiis coccineis. BE3ENE Weeki * . e 3 r : Foem. Vertice, corpore supra, gutiure, pectore abdomineque | Superiore intense ceruleo-cinereis ; abdomine imo, lateribus crissoque coccineis. - 36 WV - = +} a ] : ee ep Male.—Crown of the head, all the upper surface, and chest fine green ; lores, ear-coverts and oO VO» Cl green ; centre of the wing finely pencilled with primaries black, margined on their external centre tail-feathers purplish green, tipped with blacl throat black, gradually passing into the EMENENE lack on a grey er , b a grey ground ; webs with white ; two Q x, the remainder wholly black : breast ict e and under surface rich scarlet ; bill yellow 7 le et greyish olive. Total length 14 inches, Jill 1:, wing 73, tail 7. 4 { AKA J 636 Female.—Crown of the head, the upper surface, throat, chest, and upper half of the belly dark = bluish grey ; lower part of the belly, flanks, and under tail 1 |-coverts scarlet; wings and tail a7 6343 black, the secondaries and lesser wing-coverts powdered with extremely fine spots of grey; upper mandible black ; lower mandible yellow ; feet dark brown. ‘ 3 Trogon Massena, Gould, Mon. of Trog., pl. 16.—Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 70 Trogon, sp. 19.—Gray, List of Spec. of Birds in Coll. Brit. Mus., part ii. sect. i. Fissirostres, wd Q .—NSclat. Proe. of Zool. QP p. 40.—Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. i. p. 149, Trogon, sp. Li Soc., 1858, p. 96, & 1859, p. 387.—Sclat. and Salyv. Ibis, 1859, p. 182.—Saly. Ibis, 1861, p. 146.—Sclat. Cat. of Coll. of Amer. Birds, p. 277.—Cab. Journ. fiir Orn., 1862, p- 174.—Selat. and Salv. Proce. of Zool. Soe., 1864, p. 364. £367, p. 151. Curucujus Massena, Bonap. Consp. Vol. Zygod., p. 14. gen. 20. 16. Troctes Massene, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil iv. p. 204. Qn 3 = MS e > 4-24) Salv. in Proe. of Zool. Soe., 62. rere SU SS COTS £3 C3 © : oe a sth reoar e Vi f the minute subdivi- OrnirHoLoaists will doubtless always be divided in opinion with regard to the value o aes . . . . Ce ee o See seas oe _ ‘ e > 1°S InN O sions which are found to exist in all large families of birds; on observing that the members of each | f ‘ e 7 ve 2 A ae 7 S <[2 “a1Se oO ) » these subdivisions are characterized by some peculiar feature, some will be inclined to raise oe ti - oe 4 distinctive designation, while others will be content with merely rank of genera, and to assign to them a distinctive designatio . | ‘ch surmenenean ane aeas a : . r ; oe re k American Trogons g indicating their existence. With few exceptions, I have kept the Ame ee i ee ; eta PRARICS GEE > present bird may appellations— Pharomacrus and Trogon: one of the exceptions Is Troctes, of eet fie preset | = : : ae le ; its size being nearly equal to be considered a typical example, as it certainly is the largest species know n, ifs eo el : ee ; 2 lapee 5 ; ”h ‘