PHAETHORNIS HISPIDUS, Gowa. Hairy Hermit. Trochilus ( ?) hispidus, Gould in Proce. of Zool. Soc., Part XIV. p. 90. Phetornis lispidus, Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p- 104, Phetornis, sp. 14. Phaétorms hispidus, Bonap. Consp. Gen. Avy., p. 68, Phaétornis, sp. 14. Tue present elegant and well-defined species is a native of Bolivia, whence it was brought to this country by Mr. Bridges, who, to my regret, was unable to give me any account of its habits or economy . the shortness of his stay in the district in which it was procured, having prevented him from devoting any time to their investigation: they are doubtless very similar to those of the other Phaéthorni. The grey colouring of its under surface, with a crescent of brown near the tip of each feather, renders it conspicuously different from every other member of the genus; the largely developed hair-like buffy grey tail-coverts also constitute a character which does not occur in any other species. All the upper surface bronzy brown; ear-coverts dark brown, bordered above and below with a line of buff; under surface brownish grey, with broad stripes of white down the throat ; those of the chest with a crescentic mark of brown near the tip; tail greenish brown; the lateral feathers slightly, and the central ones largely tipped with white ; wings brown; bill black, except the basal half of the lower mandible which is straw-colour. The figures in the accompanying Plate are of the natural size; and, as they are accurate representations of nature, will give a better idea of the bird than any written description, however accurate. The plant is the Saurauwja spectabils.