PTEROGLOSSUS HEMATOPYGUS. Blood-rumped._ Grooye-bill Aracari. Specrric Cuyaracter. Pter. rostro saturate castaneo - vertice, collo, dorsoque wiridibus subolivaceis ; subtus cerulescenti- viridis, pectore saturatiore ; uropygro coccineo; rectricihus guatuor wntermediis bhrunneo apiculatis ; orbite rubre ; pedes olivaceo-brunnei. Bill of a deep dark chestnut; crown of the head and upper surface green inclining to olive ; rump blood-red; the upper tail-coverts and tail green, the four middle feathers of the latter tipped with brown; whole of the under surface bluish green, which is more intense on the breast; naked skin round the eyes red ; legs olive brown. Total length, 14 inches; bid/ 255; wing, 42; tail, 5+; tarsi, 14. Pteroglossus hematopygus, Gould, Proceedings of Zool. Soc. Part II. p. 147. Turis new species will be readily distinguished from all known grooved-billed Aragaris by the white bands on the bill and the blood-red spot on the rump. Its nearest allies are Pter. sulcatus and Pter. Derbianus ; but independently of the blood-red spot on the rump already alluded to, it may always be distinguished from those species by its shorter bill, wider gape, and by the circumstance of the four middle tail-feathers being tipped with brown, while in Pter. Derbianus the two middle tail-feathers only are thus tipped. I cannot close this paper without offering my warmest thanks to N. C. Strickland, Esq., for his kindness in lending me the present species to figure from, and who has at all times rendered me every assistance in his power by placing at my disposal for scientific investigation any species contained in his collection. The aoe in his possession, and another in the Royal Museum at Leyden, are, as far = am DE, the Day examples of this species at present known. I have to regret that Mr. Strickland a give me no information as to what part of South America his specimen was received from, but circumstances induce me to believe that it is from the Cordillerian Andes. TEE sg Noe ah aE " £1 a petite 2 £2413 Pt id xt | ne ea ae Eq) paid 0% cy,