ENTROD UCT TON: CX1 specimen now before me, was given to a young male of this species. Refer to my account of this species, and of C. Atala. 402. CHLOROSTILBON IGNEUS, Gould. Habitat. Supposed to be the neighbourhood of Para. Crown of the head glittering orange ; back of the neck and upper surface fiery orange, becoming more intense on the wing-coverts ; throat and chest glittering bluish green, gradually passing into the fiery orange of the flanks and abdomen ; under tail-coverts green, tinged with orange ; wings purplish brown; tail purplish black ; bill fleshy red at the base; gradually passing into the black of the tip. This bird is about the same size as C. prasinus, but differs from that species in the fiery colouring above described, and in the tail being purplish- instead of steel-black. This is the bird mentioned, in my account of C. prasinus, as having been sent to me by Mr. Reeves, of Rio de Janeiro. It is one of the most beautiful species of the family. 403. CHLOROSTILBON ATALA . : : : : : : ; ; : : ; : Vol. V. Pl. 356. Chlorestes Atala, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 4, pl. 700. fig. 4568. Habitat. The Island of Trinidad, and Venezuela. I find that Venezuelan specimens differ a little from those of Trinidad, the green of the upper and under sur- face being more golden; still I have no doubt of their being identical. 404. CHLOoROSTILBON DAPHNE. Trochilus Daphne, Bourcier. Habitat. Peru. I consider this to be a distinct species: it is very nearly allied to the Cayenne bird C. Atala of this work ; but it has a more square tail, with the green of the chest strongly tinged with blue. I have M. Bourcier’s type, which is labelled ‘ Voyage de Castelnau, Pampas del Sacramento.’ 405. CHLOROSTILBON PERUANUS, Gould. Habitat. Peru. Bill black ; crown, throat, and all the under surface glittering orange-green; upper surface bronzy green; wings brown; tail purplish black. Total length 31 inches; bill 2; wing 12; tail 11. This, one of the black-billed species, has even a more rounded tail than C. Daphne, from which it differs in its larger size and in having a longer bill, and especially in the glittering orange-green colouring of its breast, which in C. Daphne is blue. The C. chrysogaster has a somewhat forked steely-black tail; in other respects the two birds are very similar. 406. CuLorosTILBoN Napensis, Gould. Habitat. The banks of the River Napo. This species is very similar to, but smaller than C. Daphne, has a still shorter tail, and the blue of the breast not so extended, or confined to the throat. 407. CHLOROSTILBON BREVICAUDATUS, Gould. Habitat. Cayenne. This bird is very similar to the C. Atala of Trinidad, has the same glittering green-coloured breast, but has a short and more truncate-formed tail, more so than C. Daphne or C. Napensis. 408. CHLOROSTILBON CHRYSOGASTER. Trochilus chrysogaster, Bourc. Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, 1843, p. 40; Id. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 101. Hylocharis chrysogaster, Gray & Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 115, Hylocharis, sp. 43; Bonap. Consp. Gen. Ay. tom. i. p. 74, Hylocharis, sp. 2. Chlorestes chrysogaster, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 7; Id. Troch. Enum. p. 4, pl. 693. figs. 4540-41. prasinus, fem. Id. ibid. pl. 755. fig. 4737 ? Trochilus puber, Siebold in Mus. Monac. (Cabanis). Chlorolampis chrysogastra, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 47. Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc. part xxviii. p. 308 ? Chlorolampis smaragdina, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 48? ~