~ LNT RO DA flO N: XCV 305. ERIOCNEMIS NIGRIVESTIS . : : : : : : : : : : : WoleeVin Pl 276: Habitat. Ecuador, environs of Tumbaro (Bourcier). 306. Ertocnemis GopInri . 5 ‘ : : : : : j } 3 f : Nol Ves ele 2/7 Habitat. Ecuador. 307. Ertocnemis D’OrsBiGNYI . t : : : : : : : : : ; Vole IVs Bi 78: Habitat. Peru or Bolivia. 308. Ertocnemis DERBIANA : A ‘ : : : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 279. Erioenemis Derbyi, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 728. figs. 4666-67 and pl. 741. figs. 4698-99. Habitat. Volcano of Puracé in New Granada (Delattre). 309. ERiocNEMIS ALINZ . : : : ; : : : : ; : : : Vol. TV.-Pl: 280: Trochilus dasypus, Licht. in Mus. of Berlin. Eriocnemis Alinae, Cab et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 73. Habitat. The hilly parts of New Granada. 310. ErtocNEeMIS SQuAMATA, Gould. ; : : : : 3 ‘ ‘ ; : Vol ive Rinse Habitat. Ecuador. 311. ERtocnemis LuGENS, Gould . é : 3 : : : , ; : : ; WO lee P1282) Threptria lugens, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 9. Eriocnemis lugens, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 740. figs. 4695-96. Habitat. Ecuador ; western side of Pichincha (Jameson). It is just possible that this may prove to be the female of £. squamata ; for I have received many specimens from Professor Jameson with wholly white puffs, which is the characteristic of H. lugens; while from another locality one has been sent with partly white and partly red puffs: independently of the difference in the colouring of the puffs, the latter birds are larger than the former. 312. ErtocNemMis AURELIA. : : : ; : : ; : : ; : ‘ Volaly, BI 283: Habitat. New Granada and Ecuador. Specimens from the Napo differ considerably from those received from Bogota,—a deep coppery hue pervading both the upper and under surface, whereas those parts are green in the Bogotan birds. I have seen specimens which I consider may be females or young of this species with wholly white puffs. Proceeding from Mexico, southwards, through the high lands of the temperate regions of Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Veragua, we there find several species of the well-defined genus Cyanomyia which do not pass the Isthmus of Panama, while others occur in New Granada, Ecuador, and Peru. I have not yet seen any species of this form from Brazil or from any of the eastern portions of the South American continent. They are all very lovely birds, the colours with which they are adorned being blue, glittering green, and white, to which the red bills of one or two of them offer a pleasing contrast. The females, although generally resembling the males, are inferior to them in size and colouring. With these birds I commence the fifth volume. Genus Cyanomyta, Bonap. 313. CYANOMYIA QUADRICOLOR ‘ ; : : : : : 2 : : Vol, Vo bigvsae Ornismya cyanocephala, Less. Supp. des Ois.-mou. p. 132, pl. 17. Trochilus verticalis, Licht. Preis-Verz. Mexican. Thier. ges. v. Deppe & Schiede (Sept. 1830), Nos. 27, 28. Cyanomyta verticalis, Bonap. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 254. Agyrtria quadricolor, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 7, pl. 761. figs. 4758-59. Uranomutra quadricolor, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 41, note. Habitat. Northern Mexico. 314. CyanomytIA vioLicers, Gould i ; : : 4 : : : 2 4 : Vol. V. Pl, 285 Uranomitra violiceps, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein, Theil iii. p. 41. Habitat. Western Mexico.