PEP TE IN| WP Im, © DU Cw l © N. xelVv Gould Vol. IV. Pl. 269. FOULA 999. PumoL£MA ARQUATORIALIS, Habitat. Ecuador. Genus Er1ocnEMIS, Reichenb. thers with which the legs of the Eriocnemides are clothed is a feature both novel e found in any other group of birds, they are thereby rendered especially smgular. in others brown and white, and in one jet black. All the e north by New Granada, and on the The conspicuous tufts of fea and peculiar ; and as it is not to b corations are white, In some these powder-puff-like de on of the Andes which is bounded on th species are confined to that porti south by Bolivia. It is not to be supposed that t mong the many species of this group he minor distinctive characters which exist a nithologists; on the contrary, they have attracted the notice of more than one Oo 1 formerly included in the genus Eriopus or Eri Derbyomia, &c.,—a tolerable division for should have passed unnoticed by or writer, and the birds which were al Threptria, Phemonoé, Aline, Luctania, Mosquera, in 1847, under the name of Eriopus. The first, then, is the well-known E. cuprei- ocnemis have received the sub- generic titles of Engyete, the genus first established by me hich I consider to be natural divisions. e E. Isaacsoni, the E. Lucian and the #. Mosquera. as they both have a brilliant patch of feathers I shall now give my own views on the subject, and point out those w . . . . S th Ss : = . ventris, with which I associate th In all these the sexes are alike in colour. The next division comprises E. vestita and E. nigriwestis, on the throat, and the lower part of the back and the upper tail-coverts exceedingly luminous ; and their females are somewhat different and less brilliant in colour. The E. Godini and E. D’ Orbignyi form another little section ; but we really know so little respecting these species, that nothing can be said with certainty as to their females. The black-puffed E. Derbiana stands alone, and a rare and very beautiful bird it is. The Z. Aline is distinguished from all the rest by the glittering green of its face and under-surface ; it is by far the smallest species of the genus, while it has the largest puffs ; and the female, brilliant, ‘The members of the next section are very sombre in their colourin plates on which they are represented ; they are HE. squamata, E. lugens, and E. Aurelie. Ornithologists may please generic terms for these minute divisions; but, for myself, I have kept them all under although bearing a general resemblance to the male, is far less g, as will be seen on reference to the themselves about adopting that of Eriocnemis, and still feel inclined to do so. They all possess the important character of the puff leg, and they are remarkably alike as to the amount of this peculiar ornamentation. 300. ER10cNEMIS CUPREIVENTRIS : ; E Volo ive Rise 7027ale Phemonoé cupriventris, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 9. Eriocnemis cupriventris, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 729. figs. 4668-69. Eriocnemis cupreiventris, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil in. p. 73. Habitat. The Andes in New Granada. I now believe that the bird I have called Eriocnemis simplex is merely a dark variety of the E. cupreiventris. Such varieties do now and then occur with other species of the family ; the cause I cannot attempt to explain. 301. Ertocnemis Isaacsoni . ¢ é E : : : : : : i , Vol. IV: EE Eriocnemis Isaacsoni, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 761. fig. 4700. Habitat. New Granada. I have never seen any other than the type specimen of this species, which is now in the Derby Museum at Liverpool. 302. Ertocnemis Luciani . : : : : : p : : Wolk, IOV, JBL Bie Phemonoe Luciani, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 9. Eriocnemis Luciani, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 730. figs. 4671-72. Habitat. Ecuador ; western side of Pichincha, at an elevation of 10,000 to 12,000 feet (Jameson) 303. Ertocnemis Mosquera : ; Vol. IV. Pl. 274 ; : : : : E ol. LV. EL. 2/4. Threptria Mosquera, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p- 9. Eriocnemis Mosquera, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 728. figs. 4664-65 3 . . S* . ae . Habitat. The neighbourhood of Pasto in New Granada (Delatire). 304. ERIOCNEMIS VESTITA . : Vol. IV. Pl. 27 . i : A : : : Ol, AV, IDL Ba or Eriocnemis vestita, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 73 Habitat. The Andes of New Granada. Commonly sent from Bogota gota.