ti Wa | eros INL OD.U-C HON. xcil specimen, killed by M. Montes de Oca. This beautiful bird also bears a general resemblance in colour and x Aly 3 . . . ding, but is distinguished from all of them by its delicate light-green metallic markings to those immediately prece For this new species I propose the name of pallidiceps. on be found to be composed of four distinct birds, the species will stand thus :—H. longirostris H. Stuarte of Bogota; H. Sclateri of Costa Rica; and crown. If this little secti of Trinidad and the adjacent portions of the continent ; H. pallidiceps of Guatemala and Mexico. 288. HELIOMASTER SCLATERI, Cabanis. Heliomaster Sclateri, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil i. p. 54, March 30, 1860. Habitat. Costa Rica. 289. HELIOMASTER PALLIDICEPS, Gould. Habitat. Mexico and Guatemala. pale green, much paler than in H. longirostris ; chin black ; gorget purplish red, Crown of the head shining upper surface bronzy green; two centre tail-feathers ts by a distinct mark of white ; separated from the ear-cover een tipped with black; the three outer feathers green at the base, then black, wholly green, the next on each side gr at the tip, the white spot becoming less from the outer one, chest and centre of the abdomen grey; flanks bronzy green ; under tail-coverts and a spot of pure white until on the third it is a mere speck ; wings purplish brown ; pale green, tipped with white. Total length 33 inches ; bill 1}; wing 22; tail 1}; tarsi 7. “The white sides and the white spot on the back show very conspicuously as this bird rests on its perch.” — Salvin in Ibis, vol. i. p. 264. Vol. IV. Pl. 260. 290. HeLiomMASTER CoNSTANTI Habitat. Guatemala, and Costa Rica. 291. HentomastTER LEocADI”. Vol. IV. Pl. 261. Heliomaster pinicola, Gould Trochilus Leocadie, Bourc. Aun. des Sci. Nat. de Lyon, tom. iv. 1852. Habitat. Mexico. Genus Lerrpotarynx, Reichend. This form, of which the single species known has received the above generic appellation, differs in many particulars from the preceding; the bill is less elongated and not so straight, while the tail is decidedly forked ; =) 2. independently of which, the gular mark is very differ > entire thr ] i ile 1 | I J : gular mark is very different, the entire throat being luminous, while in all the species of Heliomaster the chin is black. 292. LEPIDOLARYNX MESOLEUCUS. Heliomaster mesoleucus ; Sc : : : : : : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 262. Lepidolarynx mesoleucus, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 13. Selasphorus (Lepidolarynx) mesoleucus, Reichenb. Troch, Enum. p. Li. Ornithomyia mesoleuca, Bonap. in Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 251. Heliomaster squamosus, Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. De 53. Calothorax mesoleucus, Burm. Th. Bras. il. p. 339, 1. Trochilus mystacinus, Vieill. MSS. Habitat. Brazil. >» v J , Genus Cauuireripia, Reichend. The Calliperidia Ang Genet alliperidia Angele offers a still further departure from the true Heliomasters: for it has even a shorter bill d than the last, while its tail is muc ne last, while its tail is much more deeply forked. It is by far the finest species yet dis 1. Its enti species yet discovered. Its entire and the bird itself must b | st be seen 2 1 1 f The female, on the other hand, has the unde Foie fa eee body is od in eglitteri y is clothed in glittering colours, r surface of the body smoky or ifferine i i a y smoky grey, differing in this respect from all the 293. CaLLIreRIDIA ANGELA. Heliomaster Angele : : , Vol. IV. Pl. 263.