INGDRODU CBRION Ixxxvli and forked, the feathers narrow and unyielding ; ¢arsi partially clothed; feet small; hind toe long ; nail moderate ; Jace luminous. Female.—Unadorned. 259. Eucenta Imperatrix . : : : : : : : i } g i Vole iV. Bh 234: Habitat. Ecuador. “Professor Jameson’s specimens of this fine bird were obtained in the neighbourhood of Auca, on the road to Nanegal, at about 6000 or 7000 feet elevation. They were feeding on the 4 lstremeria, Dature not being found in that locality.” —Jameson and Fraser in Ibis, vol. i. p. 400. The members of the genus Helianthea, distinguished by their star-like frontlets and luminous under-surfaces, appear to range next to the preceding. Three of them (namely, ee typica, H. Bonapartei, and H. Eos) are quite typical; but the H. Lutetie and H. violifera differ somewhat in their colouring, the lower part of the body of the two latter species not being luminous, while they assimilate in all other respects. Dr. Reichenbach’s separation of the H. typica and H. Bonapartei into a separate genus (Hypochrysa) cannot, in my opinion, for a moment be admitted. Genus Heuianruea, Gould. (“Haxos, sol, et aos, flos.) Generic characters. Male.— Bill long, straight and cylindrical ; wings moderately long and powerful ; tail of medium size and slightly forked when closed; tarsi extremely short and clothed with feathers ; feet very small; hind toe the shortest ; fore- head and under-surface luminous. Female.—Destitute of luminous colouring. The members of this genus frequent the Andes for at least eight degrees on each side of the equator. No 260. HELIANTHEA TYPICA . : ; : : ; : ; : : : ’ : Vol. IV. Pl. 235. Trochilus porphyrogaster, Licht. in Mus. of Berlin. Habitat. New Granada. Is exceedingly common in the neighbourhood of Bogota. A large race occurs near Pamplona. 261. HeniantHea Bonapartel . : : : : : i : : : ( Wools Ve Bie 236, Hypochrysa Bonaparti, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 9; Id. Troch. Enum. p. 6, pl. 739. figs. 4683-84. Trochilus chrysogaster, Licht. in Mus. Berlin. Habitat. New Granada. Examples frequently occur in collections from Bogota. No NI 262. HeviantHeEA Eos, Gould. ; : : : 3 : ‘ : : : : Wool, INWY, TAL, 2837. Habitat. Paramos da los Conejos, near Merida in Columbia. 263. Hetrantuea Luretie : : : : : : . ‘ ; . : ; Vol TV Pi, O38: Habitat. Popayan and Ecuador. Professor Jameson and Mr. Fraser state that “This bird is found in the valleys of Lloa and Pelogalli, but not nearer Quito.” —Jbis, vol. i. p. 400. 264. HELIANTHEA vioLireRA, Gould . : ; ‘ : : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 239. Habitat. “In provinz Chulimani au Cordilera”’ in Bolivia (Warszewicz). Genus Hetiorryeua, Gould. CHaws, sol, et rpudy, luxuria.) Generic characters. Male.— Bill straight and of the same length as the head; wings rather long ; tail long and forked; tarsi partially clothed ; feet small ; hind toe rather shorter than the middle one; forehead and throat luminous. Female.—Destitute of luminous colouring on the throat. The members of this genus, two in number, differ from those of Heliangelus in the absence of any band of white on the chest and in having a lengthened and deeply-forked tail. 265. HeniorrypHa ParzupDAKI . i : : : ‘ 5 : : : : : Vol. LV. Pl. 240. Ramphomicron dispar, Reich. Troch. Enum. p. 10.