TROGON MELANURUS, Swainson. Black-tailed Troe on. CN a as 1 SPECIFIC CHARACTER. ‘0g. vertice, pectore summo ne Trog fi summo et corpore supra intense aureo- viridibus ; loris, regione auriculari, guldque nigris, hée aureo-viridi nitente ; pectore albo transversim fasciato ; pulcherrimé coccineo ; alis mgris, medialiter lineis delicatis albis striatis albo marginatis ; caudd nigrd, rectricibus sex intermediis externis extus lineis obscuris albis striatis ; Foem. Capite, corpore subtis primariisque extits purpureo et viridi tinctis ; duabus rostro flavo ; pedibus stramineis. corpore supra, gutture ee intense cinere is; alis nigris, obscure striis albis medialiter notatis ; cauda niyy a, rectricibus duabus externis eats Crissoque COCCINELS. Male.—Crown of the head, chest, and all the upper surface dark golden green ; space between the bill and the eye, ear-coverts, and throat black, gradually passing into the golden green ; breast crossed by a band of white, beyond which all the under surface is rich fiery scarlet ; wing black, the centre striated with fine wavy lines of white, and the primaries margined externally with the same colour ; tail |] black, the six centre feathers tinged with purple and green, and the outer web of the lateral feather on each side faintly with white, as in the centre of the w ing ; bill yellow ; feet straw- yellow. Female.—Head, all the upper surface, throat, and breast Fi k grey ; wings and tail black, with a faint indication of the white striae on the centre of the wing and the outer webs of the lateral tail-feathers ; vent and under tail-coverts scarlet. Total length 12 inches; bill 1}; wing 6{; tail 6:; tarsi: striated bol Couroucou a ventre rouge de Cayenne. Buff. Pl. Enl. 452. Trogon curucui, var. Gm. 8. N. i. p. 403. Le Couroucou d Amérique male a ventre rose. Levaill. Hist. Nat. Couroue. pl. 1 Le Couroucou & ventre rose dans son premier dge. Leyaill. t. c. pl. 2 Trogon curucui (nec Linn.). Bonn. et Vieill. Enc. Méth. iii. p. 1362.—Gray, Gen. B. i. p: 69.—Burm. Syst. Uebers. i. p. 275.—Gray, Hand-l. B. 1. p. 81. Trogon strigilatus. Spix, Av. Bras. 1. p. 49. — melanurus. Swains. An. in Menag. p. 329.—Gould, Monogr. Trogon. text to pl. 18. —Gray, List Fissir. Brit. Mus. p. 41.—Cab. in Schomb. Reis. Brit. Guian. Ii. p: 718.—Scl. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 261, et 1860, p. 284.—Id. Cat. Am. B. p. 277.—Scl. & Saly. P.Z. S. 1866, p. 193.—Iid. op. cit. 1867, pp. 583, 978.—lid. op. cit. 1869, p- 598.—Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 19, 402.—Scl. & Salv. P.Z.S. 1873, p. 292.—lid. Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 104. Trogon nigricaudatus. Gould, Monogr. Trogon. pl. 18. Curucujus melanurus. Bp. Consp. Vol. Zyg. p. 14. Troctes melanurus. Cab. & Heine, Mus. Hein. Th. iv. p. 202. ee csurus. Cab. & Heine, Mus. Hein. iv. p. 203° > urus was the In the first edition of this Monograph I stated my opinion that Swainson’s name of melanuru: s ¢ € € tl ame best one that could be employed for the present species, as being undoubtedly te Bes a . ie wi C 2 e a time the oldest recognizable title for it. Although Mr. George Robert Gray believed it to b oS i ini . by the majority of ornithologists, neither Trogon curucui of Linneus, his opinion has not been concurred in by y can J adopt it. | 4H ~ ” 4 S 9 39) 4 ERGRE NA GRERADSEREDA DG 363. 62 = 3 ~~ < 3 i 3 ~O. > > 2-2 S) 63 EDENENGESARE BERG RLDESESESESESEDE RS. a ee ee ee eee eee nee