lxxxil yet another ch len INTRODUCTION. to the whole—that of the tail of the females being much larger and more have this o lengthened wings, and small feet. ower of more rapid flight than any other aracter common, T believe, the young males, too, rgan much more prolonged than the adult othened than that of the males ; | Judging from these they have all peculiarly sharp wedge-shaped bills, males ; points in their structure, I believe these birds to be endowed with the p members of the family. : : Vol. IV. Pl. 213. 938. HELIOTHRIX AURITA Trochilus leucocrotaphus, Heliothrix aurita, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. Habitat. Northern Brazil, the banks of th at. tom. vil. p.374 ; Id. Ency. Méth. Orn. part. 2nde, p. 571. Vieill. Nouv. Dict. d’Hist. N 11; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil ii. p. 28. p.13; Id. Troch. Enum. p. e Amazon, the Guianas, and Venezuela. . ‘ : : Vol. IV. Pl. 214. p-11; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 28. 239. HELIOTHRIX AURICULATA Heliothria auriculata, Reichenb. Aufz. der C Burm. Th. Bras. tom. ii. p. 336. l.p: 13; Id.Troch. Enum. aurita, jun., Habitat. South-eastern Brazil. 240, HELIOTHRIX PHAINOLEMA, Gould . Hartl. Wieg. Arch. xxii. 2. p. 23. Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil iii. p. 28, note. Vol. IV. Pl. 215. Heliothrix phaenoleuca, phaenolaema, Habitat. The banks of the Upper Rio Negro. 241, HeriotHrix BaRRomI. Heliothrix purpureiceps, Gould : : : : : : ‘ : ‘ Vol. IV. Pl. 216. Heliothrix purpureiceps, Gould in Proc. Zool. Soc., part xxill. p. 87. Barroti, Salvin in Ibis, vol. iii. p. 410. Barroti, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 13; p- 28, note. Ornismya Gabriel, Delatt. Echo du Monde Savant, No. 45, Juin 15, 1843, col. 1070. Costa Rica, and the forests of New Granada bordering the Pacific coast, as far south as Id. Troch. Enum. p. 11; Cab. et Hein. Mus. Hein. Theil i. Habitat. Guatemala, Ecuador; Esmeraldas (Fraser). 242. HELtoTHRIXx VIOLIFRONS, Gould. Heliothrix Barroti . Habitat. Carthagena, or Veragua. On receiving this bird from M. Warszewicz, I considered it to be referable to the Heliothrie Barroti, and accordingly figured and described it under that name. Subsequently I received another bird with a differently coloured crown, which, believing it to be new, I described and figured as H. purpureiceps, but I now find that the latter is the true H. Barroti, and that the former is a new bird; I therefore propose for it the distinctive appellation of H. violifrons. Vol, DY, Ris2iie Between the genera Heliothriv and Petasophora appears to be the proper situation for my genus Schistes ; for to the former it is nearly allied in its wedge-shaped bill, and to the latter in the colouring of the tail. The three species known are all inhabitants of the Andes of New Granada and Ecuador. I have often thought that the white 5 ae i : eas Aa gular mark in Schistes albigularis is characteristic of immaturity ; but this is by no means certain Genus Scuristes, Gould. (ZxiG, findo.) Generic characters. Male.—Bill longer ae fe : ne than the head, straight, wedge-shaped at the tip; wings moderately long and slightly d; tai rounded, the feathers broad; tarsi partially clothed; feet small; hind toe and nail ae than the middle toe and nail. 243. Scutstes GEoFFROYI . : : : : : : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 218. Schistes Geoffroyi, Reichenb. Aufz. der Col. p. 13 : ohne Geoffroyi, Reichenb. Troch. Enum. ; 11] Schistes Geoffroyi, Cab. et Heim. Mus. Hein. Theil p 27 Habitat. The Andes of New Granada. |