oes a ENT ROD UOT ION. XXIV who has lived in the country and paid any attention to natural history, that does not recollect that of the s) with its beauti 2 S 5 as he ever ceased to wonder at the Hedge-Accentor (Accentor modularis ) with its beautiful blue eggs; or he > ‘ 4 , e a chitectu 1S indeed among the most interesting of the many singular features in the economy of birds. And how truly c 5 t @ Ss wonderful are some of the nests of the Humming-Birds! In form and size they vary as much as the different structure of the birds would lead us to expect, and a similar difference occurs in the situations in which Some of these cradles are not larger than the half of a walnut-shell, and these coracle- they are placed. | The members of the genus 7rochilus and shaped structure are among the neatest and most beautiful. Een ee Be ae hi a] structi he lavish decoration nd the greatest Ingenuity, not so much in their construction as in t their allies expe ; of their outer walls; with the utmost taste do these birds instinctively fasten thereon beautiful pieces of flat lichen, the larger pieces in the middle, and the smaller on the part attached to the branch. . It is : question among ornithologists whether these adornments are fixed on by a glutinous secretion from the bird, or by the invisible webs of some of the smaller kinds of spiders ; my own belief is, that the latter is the means employed. Now and then a pretty feather is intertwined or fastened to the outer side, the stem being always so placed that the feather stands out beyond the surface. These little cup-shaped nests are frequently placed on the bifurcation of the horizontal part of a branch near the ground, and at other times higher up towards the summit. Quite the reverse of this kind of nest are those built by the Phaéthornithes: these latter are generally very frail structures, woven round and attached to the side of a drooping palm-leaf, very frequently overhanging water. Such a nest is figured in my plate of P. Hurynome. Another, of a similar form, but of different materials, is figured in the same volume, in the plate illustrative of P. Hremita, with two young ones therein. Other Humming-Birds suspend their nests to the sides of rocks. These are hammock-shaped in form, and are most ingeniously attached to the face of the rock by means of spiders’ webs and the cottony materials of which they are sometimes built. Those made by the Oreotrochili are very large, and composed of wool, llama hair, moss, and feathers; at the top of this great mass, of nearly the size of a child’s head, is a little cup-shaped depression in which the eggs are deposited. Respecting the nest made by the Oreotrochilus Pichincha, my friend Professor Jameson, of Quito, writes, “On the first of the present month (November 1858), I visited the snowy mountain of Antisana in company with the American Minister. In the celebrated Farm-house (about 13,500 feet above the sea) I found in one of the lower or ground-apartments, unprovided with a door, several nests of Oreotrochilus Pichincha, one of which was attached to a straw rope suspended from the roof. Iam quite certain as to the identity of the species, having shot one of the birds. The rest will be sent to you in my next parcel.” See the figure of this nest given by Dr. Sclater in the ‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society,’ 1860, p. 80. Some of the Humming-Birds, and perhaps this very species, are said to suspend their great nests by the middle from the fine hanging root of a tree, ora tendril; and should the nest, which is of a curved form and built of any coarse materials at hand, prove to be heavier on one side than the other, the higher side is 5 weighted with a small stone or square piece of earth until an equilibrium is established and the eggs pre- If such powers, so nearly approaching to that of reason, of my readers, I can assure them th vented from rolling out. shanidbe doctecy oes at one or more of these loaded nests are contained in the Loddigesian Collection ; and one is at this moment before me, an examination of which will satisfy the most sceptical of Occasionally the old nests are repaired or more years in succession. Many other the truth of this stateme i S statement. built over the old one, two, three, or instances might be given to show that the nidification of the les | { te At wil renal ay site dna le Brey Nato ithe which aren 0