PTEROGLOSSUS LANGSDORFFITI, Wage Langsdorff’s Aragari. ‘ler. Sprcirric CHaractrer. Pter. rostro nigrescenti-hrunneo, prope basin in cinereo-olivace vertice, collo, gula, guttureque nigris ; dorso, alis, rectricumque bast saturate olivaceo-viridihus brunneo tinctis, harum apicibus lateribus oliwaceis castaneo tinctis 3 tectricibus caude enferioribu plumber. Bill blackish brown for three parts of its length from the tip, fading into dark greyish olive at the base, more extended over the under mandible; serratures whitish ; top of the head, back of the neck, throat, and breast black ; ear-coverts and nuchal band rich orange yellow ; whole of the upper surface, Wings, and upper portion of the tail-feathers dark greenish olive tinged with brown; flanks rich olive tinged with chestnut brown : thighs uniform brown ; under tail-coverts dull crimson ; legs and feet lead colour. Total length, about 133 inches ; Sill, Q7; wong, 53; tars, 14. 45 Pteroglossus Langsdorffii, Wagler, Syst. Avium. Gould, Proceedings of Zool. Soc. Part III. Tue robust form and nearly uniform colouring of the bill are perhaps the most prominent features by which ) S ] I ; this species may be distinguished from several others, which possess alike the lunated collar and richly ear-coverts. coloured A single example of this bird, to all appearance fully adult, forms a part of the Munich coll ection, and is, I believe, the individual from which the late Dr. Wagler took the descri ption in the monograph of this family, published in his small but useful work the « Systema Avium.” I regret to add that I found the tail of this specimen so much mutilated as to render it unsafe to figure more of this or Plate. In size the present bird is somewhat larger than the Pter. maculirostris ; gan than is represented in the its ear-coverts, nuchal band, and flanks are also much brighter in colour than the corresponding parts in that species. The only information I could obtain respecting this rare species was that it is a native of Brazil, from which country it was received many years since. um transeunte, serraturis albidis : : oe oo : ; regione parotica Sasciaque nuchal aurantiaco-flacis s 8 sordideé coccineis ; pedes ~~ oy y ey wt ih a Sie 8 2 t Lk Na 2 a 2 at NN ted