PTEROGLOSSUS BITORQUATUS, Pigors. Double-collared Aracari. Specrric CHARACTER. Pier. mandibulé superiore albescenti-flacd ; inferiore albida, fascia obliqua apicali negra: capite nigro ; dorso, alis, caudaque olivaceo-viridibus ; gula guttureque castaneis, hoc subtus nigro- marginato ; torque pectorals angusta, abdomine, crissoque sulphureis ; pectore, nuchd, uropygrogue cocciners. Upper mandible whitish yellow, lower white with a black oblique fascia at the apex ; upper surface olive green ; top of the head black; throat and sides of the neck chestnut, terminated by a narrow black pectoral band, below which is a similar one of yellow ; breast, back of the neck, and rump scarlet; abdomen and under tail-coverts sulphur yellow ; thighs olive green. Total length, 14 inches ; Azi/, 3. Pteroglossus bitorquatus. Vig., in Zool. Journ., vol. 2. p. 481. Tue first and only notice of this bird, as far as I am aware, is the one which appeared in the second volume of the ‘‘ Zoological Journal,” as above quoted. It is there characterized as a species new to science, by Mr. Vigors, from a fine specimen in his possession, but since transferred with the whole of his collection to the Museum of the Zoological Society of London. From the two narrow bands, one of yellow, the other of black, which partially surround the chest, it received the specific name of ditorguatus, though these colours are but partial, The Preroglossus bitorquatus is remarkable, not only for its beauty and elegance of form, but also for its extreme rarity. The only individuals I have ever had an opportunity of examining, were, the specimen from which the original description was taken; a second, similar in all its characters to the former, which was kindly transmitted for my inspection by Lord Stanley ; and a third in the Museum at Berlin: the last differed in one point from the preceding ones, in wanting the yellow pectoral band, the black edging of the chestnut throat being succeeded by scarlet ; whether this slight difference is to be regarded as dependent upon sex, age, or season, or whether it is an accidental circumstance, the limited knowledge I possess of the species prevents my being able to ascertain with satisfaction. In point of affinity it is somewhat allied to the Preroglossus ulocomus, possessing as it does a style of colouring extremely similar ; and the head, although destitute of the curled appendages, is covered with black feathers differing from the rest of the plumage, the shafts being glossy and bristle-like. This affinity is by no means surprising, as we might naturally expect that a character so remarkable as the curled crest of the P. ulocomus would not be given to one species without traces appearing in different degrees in others, abrupt- ness even in the slightest details being ever repugnant to nature ; and, relying upon these principles, we may reasonably anticipate the discovery of species forming a regular graduated series. Inhabits Guiana and the Spanish Main. - ry vs Vogt os . ay ee, pet > Ee Neal | ew Sallie aS NalP >) at a> \ lcd wap AaOe a ties ae al