LIST OF PLATES. VOLUME IV. Nors.—As the arrangement of the Plates in the course of publication was impracticable, the Numbers here given will refer to them when arranged, and the Plates may be quoted by them. Palumbus torquatus Columba cenas livia . Turtur auritus Tetrao urogallus tetrix Lagopus scoticus LULL! Syrrhaptes paradoxus Phasianus colchicus Perdix cinerea Caccabis rubra Coturnix communis . Turnix africanus Otis tarda —— tetrax Grus cinerea Ardea cinerea . purpurea Herodias alba . garzetta Bubulcus russatus Buphus comatus Nycticorax griseus . Botaurus stellaris lentiginosus Ardetta minuta Ciconia alba nigra . Platalea leucorodia . Vanellus cristatus Himantopus candidus CEdicnemus crepitans Squatarola helvetica Pn Ye? & RASORKS, Wood-Pigeon, or Cuchat Stock-Dove Rock- Pigeon Wuntle Dover: : ; ; : Capercailzie, or Cock of the Wood . Blackcock : . Red Grouse Ptarmigan : : q (summer plumage) . ——_—_—— (autumn plumage) . Pallas’s Sand-Grouse Common Pheasant . Partridge : : ‘ : ; Red-legged Partridg : . . Common Quail Andalusian Turnix . ; Great Bustard Little Bustard . GRALLATORES. Common Crane Heron ; F : Purple Heron. : : : : Great White Egret, or White Heron Little Egret : Buff-backed Heron . Squacco Heron Night- Heron Bittern American Bittern Little Bittern Stork Black Stork . Spoonbill : : Lapwing, or Peewit . Stilt, or Long-legged Plover Thick-kneed Bustard Grey Plover OS en (NS ty et 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 oT aI TE a a TL