RAMPHASTOS OSCULANS. Osculant Toucan. Ramph. rostro aterrimo, culmine fasciaque intra-basalt stramineis : ater 3 pectore in medio auran- traco, latera versus in. flavescentem transeunte, gula regioneque parotica albis; lined pectus postice cingente crissogue coccineis ; uropygio sulphureo ; orbite pedesque ceruleo-plumber. fine yet black with a basal margin and broad culmenal band of dull straw yellow ; the ridge round the base of the bill black; whole of the upper surface jet black with the exception of the upper tail-coverts which are sulphur yellow ; chest orange yellow in the middle fading off into light yellow on its edges, which latter colour is lost in the white which occupies the throat and ear-coverts; under tail-coverts and a narrow band which bounds the white of the chest scarlet ; the remainder of the under surface and tail black ; feet and naked skin round the eye bluish lead colour. ‘Total length, 18 inches ; 2d/ about 43; wings, 7+; tail, 64; tarsi, 12. o Ramphastos osculans. Gould, Proceedings of Zool. Soc., Part III. We find in this interesting species of Toucan a union of the peculiar characters of several other species, for which reason I have given it the specific appellative of oseulans. The bill and upper tail-coverts resemble those parts of Ramph. culminatus and Ramph. Cuvieri; the breast is like that of Ramph. Vitellinus ; and in the narrow scarlet band on the chest, it bears an affinity to Ramph. Swainsonii. The great variety of colouring which ornaments this new species renders it one of the most pleasing and elegant of the genus : in size it approximates to Ramph. Vitellinus and Ramph. Ariel. I am indebted for this fine bird, as also for others, to the treasures of the Vienna collection, which contains two specimens, one fully adult, and another, although in size nearly equal to its companion, evidently a young bird, as was most clearly proved by the undeveloped state of the beak. The country whence these valuable specimens were brought is stated to be Brazil, but from what particular district I was unable to ascertain.