, at [rg PEELE IESE T Es INTRODUCTION. hem difficult. The Golden-green Aracari is assuredly a Pteroglossus; d render its separation from t ithe Grooved-billed Aragari differs from it only in nent of those peculiar characters of the bill which show themselves the still greater simplicity of its colouring 2 and in the greater developr to a certain extent in Per. prasinus. If, in the preceding account of the species of Ramphastide, \ have rarely referred to the form of the bill as aiding in their discrimination, it 1s not to be attributed to any undervaluing Se : § of the important help to be thence derived, but to the difficulty of adequately conveying i PcG . : Sy words a correct idea of those varying shades of difference which are appreciable only b - ; ae v4 practised eye and on direct comparison. My principal object has been to facilitate th ee a Ls. e ascertaining of the species of this interesting family, and I trust that I may have, to a certai é : : certain extent, succeeded. In furtherance of i ' . ‘e of ew cult the same view, I add the subjoined tabular attempt at x a a Synopses Specrerum.