TROGON SURUCUA. Surucua Trogon. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mas. Vertice, cervice iridescenti-ceruleis » roptrjns .. WE : pectoreque iridescenti-cei ules ; rectricibus intermediis duabus cerulescenti- viridibus, duabus proximis utringue pogoniis externis cerulescenti-viridibus internis nigris, ‘um omnium apicibus negris, reliquis dimidio basali nigro anica); > remigib gr harum on gro apiat albo ; remigibus nigrescenti- brunneis, albo ad pogonia externa fimbriatis. Foem. Puliginoso-cinerea ; alis bi unnescenti-nigris, renugibus albo fimbriatis. / ] > , = ES ; 4 Male.—Crown of the head, back of the neck, and chest changeable green and violet in some specimens, and almost pure blue in others ; throat and face black ; back and upper tail- coverts deep changeable golden green, inclining to blue on the rump; the two middle tail- feathers bluish green, the two next on each side with their outer webs only bluish green, the inner black, the whole six tipped with black ; the three outer feathers on each side have their basal half black, the remainder white ; primaries blackish brown, bordered with white on their exterior edges; secondaries and upper part of the wing freckled with markings of black and white; centre of the abdomen and under tail-coverts crimson; bill olive; irides reddish brown ; eyelash orange; feet dark brown. Total length 10; inches, é7/7 1, wing 5, tail 55. Female.—-Head, neck, chest, back, and rump sooty grey ; lower part of the belly and under tail- coverts light crimson ; wings brownish black ; primaries edged with white ; the secondaries and upper part of the wings transversely rayed with greyish white ; six centre tail-feathers brownish grey tipped with black, three outer feathers on each side brownish grey margined on their exterior edges and partly so on their inner ones with white ; bill olive. Surucud, Azar. Apunt. Hist. Nat. Paxar. Parag., tom. u. p. 373. no. 270. Trogon surucura, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. d Hist. Nat., tom. vii. p. 322.—Gould, Mon. of Trog., pl. 15.—Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. ii. App. p. 4, app. to p. 69.—Bonap. Consp. Gen. Ay., tom. i. p. 148, Harpactes, sp. 2.—v. Pelz. Orn. Bras., p. 19. Trogon leucurus, Swains. Two Cent. and a Quart., p. 331.—Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol.i. p. 70, Trogon, sp. 15.—Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. 1. p. 149, Trogon, sp. 19. curucura, Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 69, Trogon, sp. 2. Curucujus surucua, Bonap. Consp. Vol. Zygod., p. 14. gen. 20s or Trogon surucua, Hartl. Ind. Azar., p.17.—Burm. Syst. Uebers. Th. Bras., tom. u. p. 274. Hapalophorus surucua, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil iv. p. 199. : ce os, Bee ee Surucua of Azara, I am induced to As I have not the slightest doubt that the bird here represented is the S¢ : : ae p species in his celebrated insert the following nearly literal translation of the account he has given of the species in his c é > 2 work on the natural productions of Paragu country, he proceeds to state that ‘it is not common, and ay :—After informing us that Swrucua is its native name in that does not quit the largest woods, but generally — Se ee ae eee ee er eee ees