CXXXxil if IN IP 18 ©) 1D) Wy G AW Il © IN: 367. Uris GRYLLE : : 5 z és P é 2 ° ° ° : Vol. V. PE XLIX. Buiacx GuiLiemor. A resident species, often breeding in company with the last ; lays two eggs. Genus Mercuuvs. ms Sot 368. MerGuius ALLE : : : : ‘ . ; : 4 : : ; Vol Vv. Bee Litrie Aux. Sometimes abundant with us in winter, while in summer it is engaged in breeding within the arctic circle. Genus FrRATERCULA. 369. FRATERCULA ARCTICA ; ; ; : ; : : : ; : 4 Vol. V. BIA PurrFin. Numerous among our sea-bounded rocks in summer, and in winter may be found fishing in the bays and shallow portions of our seas. Family PELICANID. Subfamily GRACULIN. That portion of this family forming the Cormorants comprises about thirty species. They are spread over the rocky sea-shores of the entire globe, with the exception of the ice-bound poles. In Britain we have two SDeGies- Genus Puatacrocorax. 370. PHALACROCORAX CARBO. : ; : : , : : : : : Vol. VB ie Cormorant. A denizen of the British waters generally, from which it is never absent. 371. PHALACROCORAX GRACULUS : : ; : : : : : , : Vol. Vo BISciie CrestepD Cormorant, or Suac. Also a constant frequenter of every part of the British coasts, where it annually breeds. Subfam ily SULARINA. Che Gannets forma small section of the Pelicanide. They are truly oceanic in their habits, and are