ENR OD U CTO N. CXX1x 351. HarELDA GLACIALIS . : : > : ā€˜ : : Vol. V. Pl. XXXII. Lone-TAILED Duck. A common winter visitant; arrives in the Scottish firths in great abundance during the months of autumn. Subfamily MERGINA. The Mergansers are a very distinct family, differing in structure and mode of life from the Ducks or Cormorants, to which otherwise they are nearly al lied. They live on the waters of both the Old and the New World, and consist of about ten species, Genus Mercus. 352. Meraus castor ee SS eee vee GoosaNDER. A winter bird, frequenting our lakes when they are not frozen over; very destructive to freshwater fish. Always to be seen at Clumber in autumn and Winter, goes north in summer. | | | 303. MERGUS SERRATOR : : . : : | : : : ; > Volk Ver xcs MeErGANSER. Found in Britain at all seasons ; common in the north of Scotland. 304, Mereus cucutiatus : ; : : ; : ā€˜ : : z Volk Vā€” BIE XVI. Hooprep Meraanser. An American species, which has occasionally been found in Europe and Britain. P l 359. Meraus ALBELLUS . : : : : ; : ; : : Vole Ve RE XXX Smew or Nun. A winter bird, rather scarce. Breeds in Lapland and the adjoining countries. Family PODICIPIDZ. When the birds of the world are taken in review, it is interesting to note that certain forms are restricted to very limited areas, while others are as widely distributed. It is to the latter category that the Grebes or members of this family pertain ; for my experience tends to prove that one or other of the numerous species are found throughout the entire globe; even in the islands of the South Pacific they are to be met with, and also all over North and South America. They do not appear to be limited by elevation, but tenant the ioe =